Info on yogurt..


New Member
Have put myself on a diet and instead of the other stuff to curb the munchies I have been keeping a supply of yogurt on hand. Just wondering if to much can be well, too much...
I don't think so.

No more than anything else, anyway, and it's better than a lot of other things you could be eating. Straight fruit and veggies would be maybe better. Dairy really isn't the miracle food it's made out to be.

But all in all, just like everything else, if you eat more of it than you exercise off, you're gonna have a problem.
you should. It's not so bad. Not as touchy feely as it sounds. But there is a Good Food area there that this thread fits in perfectly. :nerd:
It depends on the type of yogurt you're munching on.

It should be low fat and sugar. Then it should will be better than tucking into fattening puddings and ice creams.

Personally i eat lots of fruit and yofu (yogurt type soya dessert).