Well-Known Member
Since Inky seems to be the expert on puns (would that make him the Pun-isher, or just another puny guy?) I've decided to open a clinique for him to practice his skills. Anyone wishing to participate should post their pun here for Inky to critique and polish it.
Disclaimer: the management of Inky's Pun Emporium takes no responsability for hurt feelings, wounded pride, mis-interpreted commentary, sprained ankles from jumping to conclusions, or the assorted injuries potentially inflicted on anyone sitting on a park bench and set upon by a gaggle of angry mothers and drag queens wearing 7" stilletos and swinging Gucci handbags filled with monkey poo and breathing out their assholes.
Disclaimer: the management of Inky's Pun Emporium takes no responsability for hurt feelings, wounded pride, mis-interpreted commentary, sprained ankles from jumping to conclusions, or the assorted injuries potentially inflicted on anyone sitting on a park bench and set upon by a gaggle of angry mothers and drag queens wearing 7" stilletos and swinging Gucci handbags filled with monkey poo and breathing out their assholes.