inner child test

My result:


(Normal Spoiled Dysfunctional Adult)

Like the tale of the pirate and the lamb in "Siddhartha," you were once fat as hell, but, through many faults of your own, are now *Malnourished* on the inside (NSDA). Your tender little baby is wanting of teats and milk. You would do well to let her suckle some.

All of your issues can be solved with an "emotional hamburger," i.e., treat your baby right. Find something to love and love it. Find something to buy and buy it. Find something to grope and grope it. This is the way of the inner child feeding frenzy.

Another avenue to explore may be giving your inner child up for adoption to someone who can love it better than you.
i was never fat......:confuse3:
Brrrr. Your inner child is Old Man Winter Baby, or an NIFA, blowing cold winds in from the North and freezing all in your path. Your inner chillin' grew up a long time ago, before the sun came and warmed the planet. You are what is known in religious tracts as an "old soul."

Your little man in you tends to freeze at the wrong time-- just when what you need is hot buttered action. So try a little tenderness once in a while, huh? Lighten up. The good news is you don't need professional help. Pet a puppy, jazzercise or lick a ripe watermelon and you'll start to feel much, much better.



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Li'l Dictator
(Normal Spoiled Functional Adult)

Your inner child rides you like the hollow donkey that you are, for it is the Li'l Dictator (NSFA). Brutal, cold and demanding, he rules you with an iron diaper. He recites long speeches of your demise, herds the emotions together in detention centers and generally just makes any pleasure you may have punishable by firing squad.

In order to help yourself, the first thing you need to do is revolt, coup or all out assasinate the little bugger. Perform psycological warfare on him. You may get lost in the struggle for independence, but future generations will sing your name.

Stay away from open balconies, though. He likes to push.


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Your inner child is the Odd Little Animal (NIDA) --running through the pastures of your insides, nibbling on grass and licking the insects in your brain. It has a great understanding of these few things, but not much else.

In your own mind you are a wunderkind, wearing a cape and sporting mutli-colored stockings. While in reality, you are wearing a cape and multi-colored stockings-- but without all that hero crap.

Your little inner beast is normal, mature and dysfunctional-- a bizarre combination that makes for a very furry pelt. So be wary of others looking for a glistening, beautiful new rug to adorn their den. They only want to skin you alive.

Do you want to be skinned alive? Fly!
Scary how it all comes together in the long run. I'm starting to raise my eyebrow over the concept of destiny and such.
not an internal child error? :D

i got that, hitting back and resubmitting eventually lets you through :)
I can't get there either .. goddamnedstoopisassfiltersfromthedoetryingtopushmedown ...
originally posted by unc
In your own mind you are a wunderkind, wearing a cape and sporting mutli-colored stockings. While in reality, you are wearing a cape and multi-colored stockings-- but without all that hero crap.

*wondered why that cape and multi-colored stockings was in your closet ... is thankful you didn't wear them during my visit*

It wasn't a cape on that wire hanger... only my sense of direction and self respect... that and a Benelli M3 Sport 90 semi auto shotgun .. *cartman voice* sweet...
Spoiled Connecticut Rich Kid
(Normal Spoiled Dysfunctional Child)

What's up Spoiled Connecticut Rich Kid? (NSDC) Your baby on the inside wants it now. It has always gotten it now and there is no reason on earth why it shouldn't get it RIGHT NOW. If you could get rich whining you would. You are childlike, but not in a good way. Think Chuckie, or any one of those other little baddie-two-shoes.

People with this inner child seem to make it in the world, via politics or inheriting large amounts of money. Usually both.

On the bright side, however, your friends only hang around you because they are as shallow as you and want to wrap your daddy's benz around a telephone pole in a coked-up frenzy.

Get help. Or valium.

This was really funny till I realized it was true, then it hurt my inner child's feelings. :( :grumpy:


*folds my arms and stomps around letting my inner child throw an inner tantrum*

somebody has to take the test for me ... comeon comeon comeon comeon ... comeon comeon comeon ..