inner child test

maybe a site like annonymizer will do it (unless you have that blocked too)
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Yeah, I guess it would be more accurate to add bitter somewhere in there.

Here's mine (*sheesh*)

Little Filthy Old Pervert
(Perverse Spoiled Dysfunctional Adult)

Your inner child is the Little Filthy Old Pervert (PSDA). He's not so bad, though, as far as inner children are concerned. Just give him a park bench and a trenchcoat and he's ready to go.

What's more, you could practically hang meat on all of your hang-ups. Phobias, fetishes, anxieties, neurosese... there are so many things happening inside you at once that your inner child is lost in the woods and hunted by wierd psycological animals. He stays hidden so much it's like he's not even there.

It's not so much that he's insane, it's just that you're crazy.

It's up to you to lure him out with bits of cheese and sugar and get him some rehabilitation. Or stay hunted.
Enfant Terrible
(Perverse Ignored Dysfunctional Child)

Your little inner child is l'Enfant Terrible (PIDC) --egotistical, malaligned, dark and pithy. Nothing in you makes any sense. It's like living inside an Emcee Escher drawing with DJ Salvador Dali on your inner wheels of steel.

If it's like that old fart Frued says, "where id was, there shall ego be," than your ego will soon be visiting Dysfunction Gulch by way of Isolation City, just past Pervert Palace. Strewn about the path along the way will be the carcasses of helpless relationships you've slaughtered.

There are two ways for you to grow up and stop acting like an ass:
1. grow up
2. stop acting like an ass

Other than all that stuff, he has fun at dance clubs, likes reading (yelling?) poetry and enjoys the taste of menthol cigarettes. Natch!

Ah well, as that wascally wabbit was wont to say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
nalani's result

nalani's result, she was unable to see the page, so i help her with the questions thru ICQ (muehehe, now i know her nasty secrets :elaugh4:)

The Happy Little Bastard
(Normal Spoiled Functional Child)

Your inner child is The Happy Little Bastard (NSFC). He is the perfect well-diapered machine-- greased up with a sense of wonderment about the world. With your little guy sitting in your inner-sidecar there's nowhere you can't go. Tender situations don't upset you, you are calm, cool and collected. Your parents treated you well and you don't have any presiding phobias or issues. Everything is fine and great.

Don't be surprised if one day the person in the bell tower shooting at nuns and regular people is, in fact, you.


cnsf.gif, 12.80kb

Your inner child rides you like the hollow donkey that you are, for it is the Li'l Dictator (NSFA). Brutal, cold and demanding, he rules you with an iron diaper. He recites long speeches of your demise, herds the emotions together in detention centers and generally just makes any pleasure you may have punishable by firing squad.

In order to help yourself, the first thing you need to do is revolt, coup or all out assasinate the little bugger. Perform psycological warfare on him. You may get lost in the struggle for independence, but future generations will sing your name.

Stay away from open balconies, though. He likes to push.