Well-Known Member
I sometimes dread to open the newspaper, turn on the evening news, or even go to online groups (much like OTC) because of what I'll read there. Rapes and murders, torture, pyromania, stealing from the poor, massive drug rings selling to kids, child prostitution and kiddie porn, mass-graves, terrorism, and numerous other attrocities committed in the name of God/Allah/Budha/etc or just for the fun of it.
I try to be an optimist..I try to understand why people do things, but I can't. I try to live by my own saying "Nil humanis a me alienum pota" (Nothing human is alien to me) , in an effort to let things roll off of my back, but I often feel the weight of these attrocities as they roll, ever so slowly, off of my back leaving a foul and rancid trail behind. As I age, and my sence of immortality begins to fray at the edges, I find myself asking "why?" more often. Why do these things happen?
I'm hoping that you all might help me shed even a small ray of light onto this subject. Perhaps together, we can begin to see its outline and call out its name. Is it human nature which drives us to such deeds? Is it the presence of evil in teh world? Is it a wave of psychological/physiological errors which render so many insane? or is it merely normal for us to act in this way occasionally?
Please, before the darkness falls upon the land and I awaken to another horror written in black ink or splashed upon the digital reality, help me call it's name so that my nightmares can be brought into the light.
I try to be an optimist..I try to understand why people do things, but I can't. I try to live by my own saying "Nil humanis a me alienum pota" (Nothing human is alien to me) , in an effort to let things roll off of my back, but I often feel the weight of these attrocities as they roll, ever so slowly, off of my back leaving a foul and rancid trail behind. As I age, and my sence of immortality begins to fray at the edges, I find myself asking "why?" more often. Why do these things happen?
I'm hoping that you all might help me shed even a small ray of light onto this subject. Perhaps together, we can begin to see its outline and call out its name. Is it human nature which drives us to such deeds? Is it the presence of evil in teh world? Is it a wave of psychological/physiological errors which render so many insane? or is it merely normal for us to act in this way occasionally?
Please, before the darkness falls upon the land and I awaken to another horror written in black ink or splashed upon the digital reality, help me call it's name so that my nightmares can be brought into the light.