Inside NVidia


Major contributor!
The download is 20MB, so beware all dialupers. Those Sun 6800's have 24 CPU's and 196GB of RAM. Looked at the price tag over at Sun....over a million each.

It's NVidia's data center. Enjoy.

Engine Room
jesus :eek: 'yea um here we have 4000000000 cpus and 20000 terabytes ram'

now if i could just sneak in there and roll a few of those suckers out!
Would make an awesome Return to Castle Wolfenstein server - Or a few hundred of them.
OMFG:eek: no wonder video cards are so expensive!

*just give me 15 min's in there dumpster out back*:headbang:
OTC? Huh? With that kind of server we could get and to pay us the big ones to host them! :D

Hell, with that kind of money, slap Zeus on there and run half of the entire internet. Ebay runs theirs on 18 Sun Enterprise 450's which is a maximum of 72 CPU's at 250-480mhz each, so half the internet should be no sweat for 72 1 ghz procs :D