

Write your best insults here...

"I don't know what makes you so dumb, but it really works."

"Are you always this dumb, or are you trying especially hard today?"

I'm trying to see things from your point of view...but I can't get my head that far up my ass.
"Will I speak more slowly or fetch a nurse who knows fluent moron?"

- Dr Cox to JD, "Scrubs"

actually a lot of the stuff he comes out with is great... must find a scrubs quotes page...
You're even stupider than I gave you credit for....:D (one of my favs)
I'd say a close second would have to be...

Look, why don't you just go back to your cave, beat on your drums, and shut the fuck up?

But I think I almost got banned for that one, so I don't say it anymore.
Oh yeah....:D

you shoulda been're too stupid to be one person
2 billion sperm, and you're the best it could come up with?

You're living proof that men decended from apes. But I see you haven't made it all the way down the tree yet.

You're living proof that there is a God. And He's got a nasty sense of humour.

If my dog looked like you, I'd ... Well shit, if any dog looked like you, it's mother would have killed it at birth.

Piss me off one more time, and you'd better sign your organ donation card.

I see that the aliens that abducted your mom have a sense of humour.

You've got the perfect face for radio.

Go away, you're scaring the trees.

Durex want's you for their next comercial. They figure that the sight of you should convince everyone of the necessity of safe sex.
Oh, yeah? Well, fuck you, ya fuckin' asshole!

Fuck you and the goddamn horse you rode in on...

Ya goddamn mother-fuckin' son of a cock-suckin' whore...

Yer about an ignorant motherfucker, aren't ya?

(I learned to cuss on a construction site. It doesn't pay to be too subtle with construction workers, cause you might really piss 'em off that way.)