Intelligence Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat

...what exactly does this have to do with the joint 16 agency US report ???


The insurgency is spawned by, among other things, our being there in a military fashion. The Germans weren't happy to see us either. The natives fought us as well as their Nazi bosses.
So pull out the military and so goes the insurgency. Reason #341 to get the hell out of Iraq.
Actually, Cerise, if the US had topped Hussein and got the hell outta Dodge, they'd be happily killing one another and probably ignoring the US completely. Right up until the Iranian army stepped in to stop the bloodshed.

It looks like Iran is already in, but not to stop anything:

BAGHDAD Thu Sep 28, 2006 (Reuters) -But the official gave far more detail, and said the latest weapons finds -- including explosives bearing factory stamps indicating they come from Iran -- show that the policy of arming Iraqi militia is supported at high levels in Iran and not the work of rogue Iranian operatives.

Hmmm: Maybe if Iran was suddenly out of the picture "so goes the insurgency." ;)

Iran's about as stable as Iraq. Take away the "hated christian westerners" and the ruling tyrants and they'd be back to tribal slaughter in short order. And decimating the world's oil reserves in the process.
There are three rejoinders to this notion that the Islamic fascists are hardly serious enemies, and cannot be compared to the old-time fascists who once started a war that led to 50 million deaths.

First, Islamic fascism is already the creed of the government of an oil-rich and soon to be nuclear Iran. Secular authoritarians like Pakistan’s Pervez Musharraf could easily fall, and the nation’s nuclear arsenal with him, into the hands of the madrassa Islamists. It is not inconceivable to envision several nuclear bombs among one or more theocratic governments in the years to come.

Second, in an age of weapons of mass destruction, global terrorism, and culpable deniability, authoritarian Middle Eastern regimes can, without being traced, subsidize and sanction killers, who in turn, with the right weapons, can kill and maim tens of thousands.

Third, in an interconnected and often fragile world, the mere attempt to blow up trains, jets, and iconic buildings results anyway in millions of dollars in damage to the West: ever more expensive airline security, cancelled flights, and money-losing delays and interruptions in a general climate of fear.

The only surprise about the edition of Hitler’s Mein Kampf that has become a best seller in Middle Eastern bookstores is its emboldened title translated as “Jihadi” — as in “My Jihad” — confirming in ironic fashion the “moderate” Islamic claim that Jihad just means “struggle,” as in an “inner struggle” — as in a Kampf perhaps.

NRO Victor David Hansen

I give up Gonz. The terrorists really believe they're going to take over the world. They don't care at all about publicity and by giving them 60% of the daily news in America you're not giving them exactly what they were after in the first place at all... :rolleyes:

The National Review has always been such a beacon of fair, balanced and unbiased reporting too. :grinyes:
That's an editorial, not a news piece.

The National Review is and always has been an opinion piece. Founded by Bill Buckley, it's an elitist rag for elitist snobs. If they find out someone like you has been quoting them they'll probably come to your house (not inside though) and insult you with six and seven syllable words. :D

These folks know that they're part of the "non-existent" upper class. You and I are beneath their contempt.