Interac fraud


Well-Known Member
Just got a call from the Missus... seems that her card got duped and we just had 3 withdrawals totaling $1400 taken from our account last night. :grumpy:

Now she's off to the bank to try and get our money back before our cheques start bouncing like rubber balls. Joy!

Anyone on here go through this? How are the banks re: these matters?
I only had that happen once. Cal Fed gave me back the money... eventually. The Clovis Police Department did SFA about it.

Of course, Cal Fed no longer exists, as Citibank bought it out.
Hasn't happened to me. In any case, I'm sure the laws and procedures would be different there than here.

I would go ahead and put fraud alerts on all 3 credit reporting agencies, though, and I'd damn sure insist on reporting it to the police and getting a plice report on the theft.
Professur said:
Any clue as to where?
That's what she's off to find out. The bank notifies the police in larger amounts, but $1400 won't even get you out of small claims court.

When I do find out...I'm taking a trip to said store to talk to the manager. Perhaps with the cops in tow.
MrBishop said:
That's what she's off to find out. The bank notifies the police in larger amounts, but $1400 won't even get you out of small claims court.

When I do find out...I'm taking a trip to said store to talk to the manager. Perhaps with the cops in tow.

They more than likely can't track where the info was stolen. They can only tell you where the fraud was used. My uncle had his info stolen and they gave him a range of time they expected that it was stolen in and he was able to figure out it was one of two places but he never found out where, no way to know.
MrsBish doesn't use her card very often. I do most of the shopping because I'm not as tied down with the baby as she is...and I drive. :)

All I need is a timeframe...we can trace her back from there...along with our own report of where the card was used. :devious:
MrBishop said:
MrsBish doesn't use her card very often. I do most of the shopping because I'm not as tied down with the baby as she is...and I drive. :)

All I need is a timeframe...we can trace her back from there...along with our own report of where the card was used. :devious:

Yeah but confrontation is probably only going to get you in trouble. You're better off passing the info off onto the police and letting them handle it. No matter how much they managed to get fraud is fraud so report it and let them do their job.
Update on the fraud - account got frozen and MrsBish's maternity CQ bounced out (got to call the GVT for that). The bank's still looking into the matter and haven't made a choice yet. In the meanwhile, mortgage, car, school and soccer CQs bounced. My pay's going to bounce-out at midnight if they don't unfreeze the account.

The bank says that their investigation should be done today. If so, the account gets unfrozen but we won't see funds until 10 working days...2 weeks!

So...we're talking with the credit bureau, our mortgage company and I just talked with my payroll people. I've got another account that I can deposit my paycheck into once I get it. It'll bounce-out first and then my company will re-issue a paper cheque. My bro-in-law's going to lend us some cash until all this is cleared out.

THEN...we have to have the bank send letters of explanation to whichever company we bounced CQs from....asking them to excuse bounced-CQ fees. More letters to the credit nauseum.

Here's the kicker. Despite cameras at Interac terminals...the bank says that these people are rarely caught.
MrBishop said:
Here's the kicker. Despite cameras at Interac terminals...the bank says that these people are rarely caught.

no guarantee it was at a Bank machine though,the same info needed for a bank machine would work from any business accepting Interac.
A.B.Normal said:
no guarantee it was at a Bank machine though,the same info needed for a bank machine would work from any business accepting Interac.
Not in this was 4 withdrawls. $500, $500, (7:45PM) $200, $200 (12:40AM -later that night).

Even idiotic store clerks don't give you that much cash in hand extra over a bill.
Sounds like a pretty sophisticated operation... as in, they made a duplicate ATM card. When mine got jacked, someone called a place that accepts payments for PG&E over the phone and used my number... the first payment went through and cleaned me out, but three other attempts bounced. This is back when I was broke and only had like $250 in the account to live on.
Well...we got our money back (twice actually...they double-deposited). In relativly short order, and although the customer rep didn't say so outright.. she alluded to something like 'the only way something like this would be cleared up this fast was if the perp had gotten arrested with the duped card grabbed as evidence.'

So.. the mortgage company and the car loan people are happy again and both were nice enough to waive the fees for the NSF.
My kid's school OTOH wants a letter from the bank!! :rolleyes:
Good to hear it.

Want a little (very little) advice? Have one (limitted acc't) for your interac. Seperate from your payroll/chequing acc't. Into that, you drop (through either internet or phone banking) all the money that you've budgetted as Interac availible. I use my old BOM acc't for that. The payroll/chequing acc't never gets public use and should therefore be safe. Unless you're the victim of a computer virus/hack. I've got an old laptop that's clean, and that's all I use for my banking online. It never, ever browses anywhere but my bank site.
I don't internet bank...MrsBish uses the phone for paying bills.

We had 2 banks that we dealt with... we've narrowed it down to one. Simply a pain in the ass transfering money from one to the other. Write a CQ, deposit the CQ, wait for the CQ to clear.

We've got multiple accounts in the same bank. only 2/5 are interac accessible. I had thought about lowering the maximum daily withdrawl amount...but then I realized that my garagist takes cash only and I need some work done on the van. :shrug: That's what most of the $1400 was sitting around for, unspent until someone got to it before I did.

Usually, the money in there's allocated before it arrives. Pay goes in, X goes towards mortgage, car, insurance and all that jazz. What's left over is sent to other accounts for savings, RRSP, RESP...some stays in there for groceries and spending cash...usually not that much.

It certainly was excellent timing on the thieves behalf that he hit our account when s/he did...otherwise it would've been $250. The mortgage and car were to come out the day after the theft took place. The garagist was supposed to have been friday. Maybe this week.
Who are you using that he only takes cash? I'm using Pellitier up on chambly just above Cousineau, jsut your side of the underpass.
Retired GPK. Works out of his home garage. Cheap rates and doesn't BS you into thinking that you have to get something fixed when it doesn't. I'll have to lookup the number. The only thing he can't do is allignments...Buddy also repairs bikes... I've seen a fair share of Hogs parked in front and one partially dismantled.

I've got a bent oil pan (previous owner must've rolled over something and tried to patch leaks a tiny bit), a timing belt that needs changing and some loose tie-rods.

The timing belt's a stitch in time kinda fix, but since he's already got the engine half off, he'll change the pan. Doesn't have to do the same work twice, changing all the seals and gaskets. :shrug:

The tie rods are loose. I can feel it and he checked it for me. They've still got some mileage on them, but I'd rather fix'em now than take a sudden 90deg turn into oncoming traffic.

He can swing all the work in one day and he's willing to drop me off at my work with his car in the AM and even pick me up after work if need be.
Yeah, tie rods and ball joints are stupid things to fuck with. I can't imagine your timing belt is any easier to fix than the water pump on mine. At least I've got a timing chain on mine.

A cracked pan is weldable, but you can't do it in situ. It's gotta come out and sit in some solvent for a while. I've got to do the one on the Colt. They ran the exhaust too close to the bottom of the engine, and when the flex joint up front failed, it blowtorched the pan above it. I'd just replace the bitch, but my sense of outrage kicks into high gear at $120 for a square of stamped steel that probably cost a buck and a half to make.