Interesting new book...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
May 4 — First there was “The Rules” — that controversial guide that told single women to play hard to get to snag the perfect husband. Now there is a new book, “The Surrendered Single,” in which author Laura Doyle tells single women to stop trying to control their dating life and their date and to stop looking for the perfect man — he doesn’t exist. Read an excerpt... .
I think we'd all be better off withOUT this genre of books, but this one seems more reasonable than most.
I've never read this type of book ... but it all seems kinda silly to me. These books tell you to change your personality and to act a certain way to get a man ... :rolleyes:
If you need abook to tell you how to feel, step back, ,stop whatever you're doing & THINK about your life. Feelings are fleeting.
Wouldn't do women any good anyway... they're all to twisted to listen to any reasonable suggestions on how to act towards men. :p
I just thought the last couple of lines in the quoted section were quite nice. Too many women meet a nice guy, and then try to 'change' something about him. Just accept who he is and what he does, and you'll be happier in the long-run. :D
Originally posted by outside looking in
Wouldn't do women any good anyway... they're all to twisted to listen to any reasonable suggestions on how to act towards men. :p