Interesting quotes from school

i have one last quote, it's another mr webster....

"satan himself, and the county board of education, wrote these word-problems"

lol! that is so great.
That is good. :lol:

Math teachers are the greatest. I don't know why, but the majority of my favorite teachers were math teachers. :)
i hate him because he's a math teacher, but he's wonderfully funny, as you can see.
Frau is great, because she's funny too, and also a german teacher. the only reason i dont like her is because she assigns us like 8 pages of homework a night, lol.

some of the people i quoted, told me not to, but i did anyway :)
Spent another day MUHAHAHHAHAHAHAing for everyone in my school
We were discussing mass muder in the sims. My friend had a party at his sim-house, put everyone in pool, watched them drown, drain the pool, and pour concrete on it. The police came by looking funny and we stranded them on an island in the middle of the pool :)

And I had some great quotes, just can't remember them... :(

one i thought was hilarius was this one from someone who has known me for a semester when he said this

I just realised you never wear white!!!!!!!!
you should!!
why did it take you so long to notice and no i dont do white. ill do tye dye but not white.
i dont know i noticed it just now.
and youve known me how long??
a few months.
man and your noticing in now???
and then this is what happens when i wear either vinyl or leather pants

YOU LET HER TOUCH IT(that doesnt always happen but sometimes ill let another girl touch it)

or its
i started a list of quotes from my lecturers... my favourite:

"the questions on the exam will not be that hard"
when i wear my pleather pants, i constantly tell people that my legs are drenched with sweat.
"heh!," i tell them, "once i had to go in the nurse's office mid-day and wipe off my legs, they were so sweaty!"
i love those pants.
i only wear them on short school days, tho. same with fishnets or tights. i want to wear them, but not for a whole 6 or 7 hours, lol.
yeah, im not very practical.
i wear mine for as long as i am out of the house if i put them on. and i always have something underneath like boxer pants as it makes them mor comfy
noone will see that ever!!! only time anyone will is if im dating a nice young woman and she wants to have sex at some point in the relationship. and shed have to have a strong enough stomach to see me before i do that for her
Ok. You're a terrorist
//one of my friends told me that
Then mu history teacher had a great speech about stupid people whilst discuccing search warrants.
The guy was driving a car. In the back were two people smoking marjuana. They got pulled over by a police officer for speeding. The guys in the back threw the pot into front seet. the guy driving put it under his seat. Policeman went up, checked them out, and was leaving when the guy in the back said "Officer, do you remember me?"
The officer had arrested him for drug possesion two weeks earlier. He said "Hmmm... I think I smell marajuana. Do any of you have some?"
The guy said, "Ok, you caught me" and handed the police man the bag of pot.
So now the guy is in court, my teacher as the lawyer, and the guy says "It was an illegal search" then my teacher said "No, you gave it to him"