Interesting Site

LOL - how utterly predictable!

Kerry - 100%
Kucinich - 99%
Edwards - 96%
Dean - 94%
Sharpton - 91%
Clark - 91%
Lieberman - 79%
Bush - 28%

Not that it matters anyway.....but that's probably the most accurate online survey/test thing I've ever done.....

only two I know i wouldnt vote for are Sharpton and Liberman.
Kerry - 100%
Sharpton - 92%
Kucinich - 92%
Dean 91%

Damn...starting to look like I would be a Democrat if I was American :)

Still throws me off...does Democrat=leftist and Republican=Right-wing?
How's this work...I'm not used to your system exactly.

oh...Bush - 28%
Bish - I'm still learning, but yes. Dem's lean left, Republicans lean right. Apparently I'm something along the lines of a conservative (right leaning) democrat. :alienhuh: :shrug:
most moderate people are. they will have a left view on some things a right view on others. usually dem=left and rep=right but its not as cut and dry as it seems

Two dems and republican in the middle? Yeah, that makes a whole lot of friggin sense. Funny thing is, I purposely went with republican ideas.....
I never realized how many true commies we had here. There's an awful lot of people with Kucinich listed incredibly high.

He would reinstate the gulag.
Kucinich 100%
Kerry 93%
Sharpton 92%
Dean 91%
Clark 86%
Edwards 79%
Lieberman 72%
Bush 15% (and that is mostly gun control issues)
Kucinich 100%
Sharpton 93%
Dean 84%
Kerry 83%
Clark 80%
Edwards 72%
Lieberman 68%
Bush 19%

Commie here. :rolleyes:
Main Entry: gu·lag
Pronunciation: 'gü-"läg
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Russian, from Glavnoe upravlenie ispravitel'no-trudovykh lagerei chief administration of corrective labor camps
: the penal system of the U.S.S.R. consisting of a network of labor camps; also : LABOR CAMP 1