International Talk Like a Pirate Day arrives


Well-Known Member
Avast ye black spot cur hearty parrot

By Charlie Demerjian: Monday 19 September 2005, 06:30

TODAY IS THE DAY, that once a year celebration of all things good and free, International Talk Like a Pirate(1) Day. Yes, that one day where you can walk up to a co-worker and yell 'Aaaaarh!' at the top of your lungs and not get fired (2), mutter 'shiver me timbers' in an elevator, and talk about poopdecks in straight bars without much problem(3).
So, go out, have a beer with the mateys, and swagger like ye means it. It only happens once a year, so take advantage of it. Send in your best stories too, double your winnings if it provably involves you getting fired. Triple if it involves you getting fired from HP. If you want to read more about this special occasion, go here µ

(1) No, 'Aaaarh aaaarh' pirate, not 'can you help me rip that CD Poindexter' pirate.
(2) Should the boss think otherwise, point him/her to this page, it will clear everything up, I promise.
(3) No promises on this one


I will personally supply a 6 pack of beer (at the next BBQ) to anyone who posts a sound clip of themselves introducing themselves (by username) and then saying "Avast me hearties, and shiver me timbers" in a loud voice, within the next 8 hours.
Are you personally delivering it? That would maybe be worth walking over to Radio Shack for.
Leslie said:
Are you personally delivering it? That would maybe be worth walking over to Radio Shack for.

Barring Acts of Gawd. If I can't make the BBQ myself, I'll ensure that the beer is there. At worst, I'll send the host the cash to buy it.

Has any headway been made on deciding who's hosting next year? I've heard that you and Paul have offered, HL has offered (tenative), Sam discussed it at the last BBQ, but I haven't heard anything since on that front.
We'd have to buy a house first. Or at least move. So, that'd give us till July to get our asses in gear I guess.
I would (do the sound clip that is) but I don't like beer...wanna make an alternative offer?
Nixy said:
I would (do the sound clip that is) but I don't like beer...wanna make an alternative offer?

One six pack for Inky. Now all you have to do is show up for it.

Nixy, how about you tell me what you do like. 6 pairs of panties from Lasenza? 6 cups of coffee from Tims? 6 unused condoms?
Funny...I've had that holiday marked on my calendar for a little while now...

Wish I had a microphone on my computer. Too bad for me.
Professur said:
One six pack for Inky. Now all you have to do is show up for it.

Nixy, how about you tell me what you do like. 6 pairs of panties from Lasenza? 6 cups of coffee from Tims? 6 unused condoms?

Six Seagram's Orange Cream Swirl :D
i could even pass as a pirate right now, i've got the fu manchu with the unshaven look and a black bandana on, i even have an eye patch around somewhere.