Internet slow


New Member
I'm getting ready to phone SHAW and was wondering if this looks funky.Over the last couple of days the nets been real slow with constant disconnects,had at first thought it was the splitter ,but even direct line has little to no effect.The oddest part is the the Online button on my modem stays solid green,its only when I reset it(unplug for 2 min) them it flashes for awhile indicating a bad connection.Once it goes solid green(takes way long) that still doesn't seem to make diff with stability.

tracert to otc
1 7 ms 8 ms 54 ms
2 13 ms 27 ms 11 ms
3 * * 11 ms []
4 18 ms * 16 ms []
5 41 ms * * []
6 * 87 ms * []
7 46 ms 71 ms 42 ms [
8 54 ms * 40 ms
9 * * 57 ms []

Here is a tracert to Yahoo

1 * * 7 ms
2 * 11 ms * []
3 * 12 ms * []
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * 34 ms * []
7 38 ms * 38 ms [
8 132 ms * 50 ms
9 33 ms 47 ms * []
10 36 ms * * []
11 * * 32 ms []
I've been experiencing some timeouts these last couple of days. Perhaps it is worldwide related, perhaps is mere coincidence.
pinging yahoo ,google etc... when i notice slowdowns shows packet loss of up to 50%,so I don't know if that entirely removes my house cabling/connection or not?In the past when I've had issues with a bad splitter/connection the online light would flash,the solid light is what has me confused.
If you want to know if it is your house connection try pinging the router or another puter in your home network, but by the looks of your tracert you might not be under a home router.

You could try pinging your gateway, that should show up under a tab if you double click your network adapter. If the ping to the gateway is succesful then your house wiring and connection to the ISP is ok and the problem is beyond your ISP.
Pinging {Default Gateway} with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Reply from{Default Gateway} : bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=64
Reply from {Default Gateway} : bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=64
Reply from {Default Gateway} : bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for {Default Gateway} :
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 6ms, Maximum = 81ms, Average = 32ms

I've edited out the Default Gateway IP just incase there is a security issue with posting it .It does appear there is a problem between my comp and my ISP,time to make a call.
your gateway appears on your tracert ;)

No security risks there.
I had (have) that. Mine ended up being (apparently) "way far from the station + bad phone line". Switched phone lines, and it's *better*. I haven't bothered to try and get Bell out for the phone line cause I hear it's an ordeal and a half.

The technical explanation they gave me was "you're just going a little bit out of synch".

Maybe one of your cables got wet during the epic flooding.
2 things I figure are messing with the internet overall....
terrorism, and the new internet2 being developed.

What's Really weird to me is, since the Christmas, the spams have nearly
disappeared. Hack attacks too.:eek6:
Looks like next Friday before they can come out,but they are crediting my account for a week.They say the line strength has been way low since early Dec.,odd that I've only noticed it since Jan.1.
2 things I figure are messing with the internet overall....
terrorism, and the new internet2 being developed.

What's Really weird to me is, since the Christmas, the spams have nearly
disappeared. Hack attacks too.:eek6:

My spam level is still status quo. :(