Internet sucks tonight.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
All evening I couldn't get to OTC, Now I can't even get to Google. I realize by the posts the the server was down here, but Google?!?!?!?!?! I'm lost.

Wait, cancel that, I can still get to my porn sites. :D
I've got it all fine now. Your local server must not have it dailed in properly yet. I hate it when that happens.
It's strange, most sites seem ok now, but a few that are rarely down still appear to be down. I'm sure it's a local thing.
I've been going to google all evening but couldn't get to otc.
A lot of times when I go to a site that won't pull up,
I have to completely close IE, then reopen it, to get
it to pull up other sites good.
That's been happening since before christmas.:(