Interview Game

1) Criminal Defense attorney
2) not really, but I am working on it
3) boredom and people that aren't total jackasses

1. describe a perfect wedding, and yes Elvis does count this time :)
2. ifyou could dye your hair any color w/o any bad consequences, would you and what color?
3. Are fake boobs really that noticable to touch an is it bad?
1)at the beach at sunset with the woman I love and our families and friends watching :)
2)one of my two favourite colours: black or blue. or something that glows would be cool
3)yes and yes. I like natrual breasts. i dont care for people who need plastic surgery of any kind unless they were in an accident
forgot to add these
1)if you could change one thing from your past what would it be
2)motorcycle or car?
3)snuggling or cuddling
1. Any wedding, as long as i'm marrying a woman that i love.
2. A red colour, kinda like the one that Marilyn Manson had in The Dope Show video.
3. can't tell (re-asking it)

1. If you had unlimited money to buy just one thing, what would it be? (no, you can't buy a money making machine or anything that offers any sort of profit :p )
2. Is sex better in the morning or in the night?
3. Are fake boobs really that noticable to touch an is it bad? ('cause i was unable to answer it)

Geez, 2 out of 2, what a coincidence, spatial-mental connection :D :nuts2: ;)
freako104 said:
forgot to add these
1)if you could change one thing from your past what would it be
2)motorcycle or car?
3)snuggling or cuddling

1. not gotten involved with a particular ex
2. car
3. aren't they the same? cuddling

Luis G said:
1. If you had unlimited money to buy just one thing, what would it be? (no, you can't buy a money making machine or anything that offers any sort of profit :p )
2. Is sex better in the morning or in the night?
3. Are fake boobs really that noticable to touch an is it bad? ('cause i was unable to answer it)

1. my own island
2. morning
3. yes. yes. what freako said

1. what is the one skill you wish you could aquire?
2. whats your best feature?
3. cable, DSL or dial-up?
spot wrote:
3. aren't they the same? cuddling

to me no. snuggling is more intimate to me. sorry i should have clarified that.
Spot said:
1. what is the one skill you wish you could aquire?
2. whats your best feature?
3. cable, DSL or dial-up?

1. Being able to draw or walk without a limp
2. exterior~my calves, interior~my smiley personality
3. DSL, but it;s through qwest so it sux


1. Car you would most like to dance the horizontal mambo in
2. could you go 40 days and 40 nights with any sexual contact?
3. what gives you a weak stomach?
PrincessLissa said:
1. Car you would most like to dance the horizontal mambo in
The 1966 Ford Fairlane convertible that I'm going to buy someday... with a big block and a kickin' stereo.

2. could you go 40 days and 40 nights with any sexual contact?
With? Of course. :D Do you mean without? If so... then yeah. I've done it before.

3. what gives you a weak stomach?
Seeing bones and joints bend in ways they're not supposed to.

My questions:
1. Wal-Mart, KMart or Target?
2. Paper or plastic?
3. Why are you so weird?
1 walmart and target!
2 paper is more environmentally friendly (kills treees, but doesnt sit in landfills for centuries)
3 cos i am me :)
1 what is your favorite leg?
2 will you write a song about me?
3: why are you so awesome?

(my questions are all inspired by :))
1. my middle one :p
2. When I'm rich and famous in an AFI type band ;)
3. because I'm omnipotent (but its alright the viagra is to hand :) )
jeez forgot the questions!

1. Dell or HP?
2. Ketchup or tomato sauce?
3. Beer or spirits?
steweygrrrr said:
jeez forgot the questions!

1. Dell or HP?
2. Ketchup or tomato sauce?
3. Beer or spirits?

1. Bah! Gateway. ;) But I'll choose HP in this one case ...

2. Ketchup

3. Spirits all the way

1. Ketchup or Catsup?

2. Do you have pet(s), what kind?

3. What famous person shares your birthday?
1. No
2. Not if I can avoid it
3. I'm asleep get someone else to do it

1. Whats Catsup?
2. Bush or Gore?
3. Nuclear or Nucular?
1. Catsup is Ketchup in spanish (or at least that's the way we call it).
2. hmmmmm, Gore??
3. Nuclear

1. IE or Netscape?
2. Windows or Linux?
3. Elegant or Sport Car?
2-Windows (cause I can't play the SIMS in linux)
3-Sports car

1. What is the grossest thing you have ever found in something you were eatting or drinking (that wasn't suppose to be there)?
2.Ever played in the rain?
3. What are you wearing right now (including undergarments)?
a cigarette butt
t, jeans, bra, knickers and sports sandels.

Gay, straight or Bi?
Dog or cat?
Aeroplane or boat?