iPod Touch


New Member
Anyone have one of these things? I've been wanting one for the longest time, so I've resorted to attempting to sell off my backup laptop and my old iPod to get one. Is it worth all of this?
I had one, but I upgraded to an iPhone. Either one is definitely an enjoyable experience. I would say they're better than any other iPods, so you are right in selling off the old to get into the new. I've only had limited experience using a classic iPod, 5th generation, I think; my dad has a 30 gigger, and I've used it about long enough to test to see if my headphones were broken or if my iPod touch was broken. It didn't appeal to me as much as the iPod touch and, later, the iPhone.
The only thing missing in the iPod touch is the gps capability. :shrug:
I'd think the iPod touch woudl be better than the iPhone, because the iPhone requires you to have cell service with Cingular/AT&T.

That, and text messaging while driving is a bad idea with the iPhone because there's no tactile feedback, so you have to look at the screen instead of the road.
It's not that bad. It's worth the AT&T service - Verizon is starting to suck these days, at least in my experience.

Once you get used to the keyboard, you can type without having to look at the screen. It actually feels a whole lot easier to type on than the ones with keys you have to physically press. With the iPhone and iPod Touch, it is literally just a touch of your finger, even a very light touch.

I can type on it pretty fast since I don't have to press. That's my downfall with the hard keyboard devices my friends and family subject themselves to - it's the pressing that gets me, because of my big thumbs. Since the capacitive touchscreen only requires your finger enter its range to receive "contact", and not a physical press as other touchscreens would, you don't have to press down, and so the size of your fingers makes no impact like it does on resistive touchscreens and hard keyboards.

It's really hard to explain, but once you have used one for a few weeks, you understand its advantages. You may want to find a friend that has one and borrow it (or hang out with him/her for a while) - or stroll into an Apple or Cingular store to play with one as often as you can, because you really cannot get the whole sense of it just from reading about it or playing around with it for a day

In the shortest terms I can possibly think of to describe it - Apple focused on making easy user interface/interaction the key ingredient to the iPhone and iPod touch. They got it right.
Well, my iPod eBayed for about $130, which was awesome because it paid over half of the cost of the touch. I did get the machine, brand new in box from eBay for $250. I love it. My only complaint, which is something I'll just have to deal with, is that I have to turn the screen back on to flip through music, whereas with the Nano I had, I could just hit the button.

Otherwise it's a fantastic little machine, and since I'm happy with Verizon I'm content without moving to the iPhone.
Yeah, that's the only sucky part really.

When it's an iPhone and you're using the headset with the mic that has the clicker, you can doubleclick the mic to go to the next song

No such functionality with the iPod Touch... I suppose some company out there is developing a dock unit that has the in-pocket music changer dealie, since that is really the only thing missing.
*Still performing CPR on her Cingular 8125

I'm using something a little newer, the HTC Titan (Sprint Mogul). I remember you getting the 8125, and I started to think about switching then. Took me awhile to get used to the phone, but I'm really digging it now.
I'm using something a little newer, the HTC Titan (Sprint Mogul). I remember you getting the 8125, and I started to think about switching then. Took me awhile to get used to the phone, but I'm really digging it now.

Yeah, HTC does some good stuff...mine gets a bit quirky at times but it's a good phone.
I almost upgrade to an iphone when my battery committed hari kari and was almost happy with it...but I disliked not being able to use my MP3s as ringtones. They are very proprietary on the ringtones. The must be downloaded from itunes and I don't mean as MP3s. You have to purchase them specifically as ringtones.
Luckily, I was able to find a replacement battery for my phone at batteries plus and I've kept on trucking.
You have to purchase them specifically as ringtones.

Yep, definitely a cash cow. Kind of like how AT&T ponied up to be the sole provider, when when people figured out how to unlock the phones, Apple sent out an OS update that rendered the phones unusable.