Iran draws line in sand and threatens the US


We are seven months away from a history-making event.

On March 20th, 2006, Iran is planning to open an International Oil Bourse (market) for the express purpose of trading oil priced exclusively in Euros. The world currently does all oil trades in US dollars, commonly referred to as the petro-dollar. Introducing an alternative currency that directly competes against the US dollar will facilitate many global economic changes.

The US, of course, stands to be the most affected.
Up until now, the Americans have been able to maintain a high demand for their currency due to its role in purchasing the world's primary energy resource. This demand has allowed the US to mushroom its debt to record levels supported by the selling of US treasury bills to foreign countries. How will the US continue to operate if countries stop floating their debt and turn instead towards the Euro?

Evidence of the US acting out of concern over their dollar hegemony can be seen in the war with Iraq. In September 2000 Iraq began selling all oil exports in euros. The euro then increased in value which added much profitability to European operations. The US invaded and shortly thereafter (four months to be exact) reverted all Iraqi oil trades back to the US dollar as well as nullifying previous foreign contracts. It has been surmised that the US invaded Iraq not just to control oil reserves but also to protect its all-important petro-dollar.

Fast-forward to the present day situation with Iran, a country being victimized through a US smear campaign. President Bush has continuously tried to promote Iran as an “axis of evil” country through accusations that Iran secretly' tried to develop nuclear weapons and harbors terrorists. To date, none of these claims have ever been substantiated.

Iran's stance on their nuclear plans is well justified. Iran has been a member of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty since 2003. They have followed all guidelines from the IAEA since then and have given full transparency to their nuclear program. Iran even voluntarily ceased their uranium enrichment program as an act of confidence building.

A stark contrast is the country of Pakistan, which is not a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. They have recently tested a cruise missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads for distances of up to 500 kms. Pakistan also has a long history of selling nuclear weapons technology to foreign countries. Yet, Iran is the one being made out as the bad guy.

Add to the mix a number of high profile leaks originating from the Pentagon indicating that plans have been made to attack Iran in the event of a terrorist attack on US soil, regardless of involvement or not.

The world's second largest oil consumer, China, is also one of Iran's major foreign investors, having signed billions of dollars worth of trade agreements in the last year alone. Both Russia and India have also made substantial investments in Iran. An attack on Iran will not be welcomed by those countries who have invested their energy futures in Iranian oil and gas reserves.

World headlines being played out in the media are beginning to relate back to one issue—the petro-dollar. As we get closer to March 20th, 2006, we will find out just how threatened the US feels about having another petro-currency in the world. If the Iranian Oil Bourse opens, it is conceivable that the US will find out exactly what their money is made of—which is paper and little else.
oh give me a break....
The Saudis are only running at half capacity.
They could, and would produce more than Iraq, and Iran put together if asked.
it just looks to me like another....
"The evil US wants to control the oil in the middle east"
this right here for instance....
It has been surmised that the US invaded Iraq not just to control oil reserves but also to protect its all-important petro-dollar.
A dollar is a dollar is a dollar.
If they don't want it, we go elsewhere...the Saudi, Quwate....
You highlighted stuff yourself. You don't know what you highlighted is saying?
You can't comprehend it? Why did you highlight it? :alienhuh:
Because any argument that doesn't slam the Bush administration MUST be a logical fallacy. Haven't you learned ANYTHING?
its all-important petro-dollar

Lets check a few facts first...Since the American Oil Companies have been booted out of the Middle East, in favor of OPEC & the US is one of the smallest direct buyers of OPEC favor of more regional crude (say Mexico & Canada) why shoud we give a rats ass if EUROPE has gas problems & wants to protect their tax base? They use far more Arab crude than we do.

Yes, we all know it's actually in a giant tube & all the crude gets mixed together but I'm trying to stay on topic
catocom said:
this right here for instance....

A dollar is a dollar is a dollar.
If they don't want it, we go elsewhere...the Saudi, Quwate....
It's the US dollar as a standard for oil trade vs. switching to the EURO as the standard that is the threat.

Much more detailed explanation here...........

You highlighted stuff yourself. You don't know what you highlighted is saying?
You can't comprehend it? Why did you highlight it?
You mentioned Saudi Arabia's oil production capacity. i was wondering how that related to the story.

You know...when I use an opinion piece, I get called on it right away.
It's not being used to back up a claim. Just a discussion piece.

Inkara said:
Jump in the discussion when you sober up.

Gonz said:
why shoud we give a rats ass if EUROPE has gas problems & wants to protect their tax base? They use far more Arab crude than we do.
[font=arial,helvetica][size=-1]"The Federal Reserve's greatest nightmare is that OPEC will switch its international transactions from a dollar standard to a euro standard. Iraq actually made this switch in Nov. 2000 (when the euro was worth around 82 cents), and has actually made off like a bandit considering the dollar's steady depreciation against the euro. (Note: the dollar declined 17% against the euro in 2002.) [/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica][size=-1]"The real reason the Bush administration wants a puppet government in Iraq -- or more importantly, the reason why the corporate-military-industrial network conglomerate wants a puppet government in Iraq -- is so that it will revert back to a dollar standard and stay that way." (While also hoping to veto any wider OPEC momentum towards the euro, especially from Iran -- the 2nd largest OPEC producer who is actively discussing a switch to euros for its oil exports)." [/size][/font]
flavio said:
Jump in the discussion when you sober up.
Another ad hominem attack! If you're going to do that, at least check your facts. It's well-documented on this board that I do not drink.
Inkara1 said:
Another ad hominem attack! If you're going to do that, at least check your facts. It's well-documented on this board that I do not drink.
Hey you started the BS...must be medz?
flavio said:
Hey you started the BS...must be medz?
I have started no "BS." All I'm doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of you pointing out perceived logical fallacies in the arguments of those who don't agreee with you when you use them plenty of times yourself.

I used to be on medication for Tourette's Syndrome (several years ago) but that has nothing to do with the argument on hand. I know you're just trying to find ways to hurt my feelings, but it's going to take a better effort than that.
Inkara1 said:
I have started no "BS." All I'm doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of you pointing out perceived logical fallacies in the arguments of those who don't agreee with you when you use them plenty of times yourself

No, you said "any argument that doesn't slam the Bush administration MUST be a logical fallacy" which is in no way pointing out any "hypocrisies" or ponting out "plenty of fallacies" of mine. It's just a bullshit lame-assed attempt at an insult.

I thought you used to have something intelligent to say but this seems to be all your capable of lately.

I used to be on medication for Tourette's Syndrome (several years ago) but that has nothing to do with the argument on hand. I know you're just trying to find ways to hurt my feelings, but it's going to take a better effort than that.
I'm just responding in kind.
You'd think someone who supposedly scored 33 on the ACT would know sarcasm when he sees it in print.
Sarcastic response? To join the discussion when I sober up? How is that a "sarcastic response" and not a personal attack saying that I'm drunk?
My comment sheds light on your obsession with logical fallacies lately. Definitely not in the same league as implying alcohol abuse.
Regardless of the waste of space that this thread constitutes,
the FACT that arguing with Flamio
is a waste of neuro-synaptic cycles

the fact remains

look at the title of this thread

ain't that a hoot?

heh yeah right remember
(those of you not is diapers at the time)
what happened to the last A-Rab country to
'draw a line in the sand'
of in this case the gulf of Sidra...

Yep, how's those Iran invasion preparations a goin'
there Gato?