Iran rattles it's sabers louder


Well-Known Member
An Iranian website close to the Revolutionary Guard has said they have drones that can launch attacks on American warships in the Persian Gulf.

This comes as the US has sent a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf in a move it says is intended to warn Iran that it intends to have a regional presence.

Both sides have increased the talk of war readiness in recent weeks.

This comes as concerns mount internationally about Iran's nuclear programme and its involvement in Iraq.

The Baztab website quotes the acting commander of the Revolutionary Guard's land forces as saying that Iran has unmanned aircraft that can fly long distances and launch attacks on American warships.

The commander reportedly said this would make the Americans leave the region in shame.

He added Iran had all US activity, including the slightest changes of the enemy, under constant surveillance.

And the website also quoted the commander claiming that Iran had managed to put the logo of the Revolutionary Guards on the side of an American warship in the Gulf to demonstrate how insecure they were in this region.

There is no independent confirmation of these Iranian assertions, but they show how Tehran is trying to counter what it says is the psychological warfare of the Americans with claims of military superiority.

Every few weeks, there are new Iranian war games and state television shows pictures of fresh military hardware like missiles and torpedoes being tested.
I say we take off, and nuke the place from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...:devious:
what are those lazy bastards at thunderbirds doing huh?

International rescue?

international gang bang lady peneople more like!
Now that Iran has officially missed the UN Security Council deadline for stopping its uranium enrichment work, Western leaders have decided on a deliberately muted response. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in meetings in Berlin Wednesday with European, Russian and United Nations diplomats, is sticking to the agenda — easing Israeli-Palestinian tensions, and keeping her remarks low-key. Her European counterparts also hope to pass the day without a drama over Tehran's defiance. The reason is purely tactical." We don't need a war of rhetoric," says a European diplomat.
Iranian leaders have been making conciliatory noises lately. Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, in Vienna to meet with International Atomic Energy Agency head Mohamed El Baradei, said Tuesday that Iran was "looking for ways and means to start negotiations." Still, avowed radical President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that Iran was willing to freeze its enrichment program and return to talks only if the US and the other members of the nuclear club also stopped enriching uranium." Do you believe that's a serious offer?" White House spokesman Tony Snow scoffed.
As the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) prepares to release a report which confirms Iran's non-compliance, Rice and her European counterparts have sworn off strident words that that could play into Tehran's hands, since its strategy has been to portray the big industrialized powers as heavy-handed, unjust and biased against developing nations that aspire to the nuclear club. Iran, says former State Department proliferation chief Robert Einhorn," has been reasonably effective in driving wedges" between the industrialized and developing worlds.
That's why, when she emerged from a meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Rice tried to extend the olive branch to Tehran, stressing her desire to meet face to face with the regime's representatives. "In May of last year we offered, the Bush Administration offered, to reverse 27 years of American policy to engage in the context of the six with our Iranian counterparts," she told reporters. "I've said I would meet my Iranian counterpart anyplace, anywhere, anytime should the Iranians decide to suspend their activities. And so that and the fact that there is a very positive package that the six countries have put together that should incent Iran to engage in a positive way with the international community. I think we're all still hopeful that the day is going to come when the Iranians decide to pursue that course, rather than one of confrontation."
Despite the muted voices, US and Western diplomats have already begun discussing a second sanctions resolution to be tabled in the Security Council. It won't be sweeping or harsh: last winter, Russian and Chinese objections to stringent sanctions proposed by the US and Europeans locked up the Security Council for two months of agonizing debate. A watered down resolution finally passed Dec. 23.
But it passed unanimously, and to the Western nations, that's far more important than what it actually said. Officials involved in the process say that this time, they've learned to avoid the perils of over-reaching. So the strategy hammered out by the Rice team and its European counterparts is to propose very modest, incremental sanctions that will have little actual economic impact on Iran. "What we don't want to do is have a repeat of last time," says a European diplomat." After much pain, we kept the international community together, which is one of the most powerful levers that we have.",8599,1592218,00.html
DO IT!!! or we'll change the date *handonhip

And use some moderately strong language!! Maybe!!!

Given that North Korea got more or less what they wanted out of exploding an alleged nuke, it's not that surprising that Iran wants to do it too.
Bad analogy. NK want cash & good porn. Ahmadenijad wants to start revalations.
Bad analogy. NK want cash & good porn. Ahmadenijad wants to start revalations.

Revelations is not part of the Koran.

Edit: He wants to scare off anyone that he thinks wants to take him out of power or simply take him out. I think we qualify on both counts.