iran seems to be caving on a few things

a major escalation of tensions

It'd be considered more than that if Perry was in Office.
Those ships might just disappear on the way over.
Not with this pres. though I don't think. He'll be golfing at least until they are
within rocket range.
can't imagine huh?

right. obummer had nothing to do with the decision to go after and kill bin laden. he has nothing to do with the targeted assassinations going on in somalia.

aren't you forgetting that you are dealing with a guy that appears to do what he wants to do? who often comes out snarling and snotty when things don't go his way? don't underestimate what he is capable of. after all, despite the recent GWB pattern, it is democrats who tend to get us into wars.

yes not only is there a lack of imagination but also maturity and perspective...
you know, cato, if you were a little more precise about what yer commenting on, things might get a lot easier for everyone here.

Cato's an INFJ, ....that just how we roll little sister.

dude, that's the gayest post i've seen in a long time, regardless of whether you tongue is in yer own cheek or up between peel's cheeks.