Iranian boats provoke US Warships

:yawn: Saber rattling, pure and simple. They've done it before, they'll do it again. That said, after the Cole I don't think they should be surprised if they get blown to kingdom come.
On Tuesday, senior Revolutionary Guards commander Ali Reza Tangsiri was quoted as saying Iran had the right to ask any ships to identify themselves upon entering or leaving the Persian Gulf.

It is a basic responsibility of patrolling units of the Revolutionary Guards to take necessary interception measures toward any vessels entering into the waters of the Persian Gulf,» Tangsiri said, according to the Mehr news agency.

We are entitled to use our definite right in the Strait of Hormuz to take controlling measures in relation to the entry of any vessel into the Persian Gulf,» he was quoted as saying.

Iran wants to fight for their ownership of the Gulf.
EARLY Sunday morning, the US Navy lost its nerve and guaranteed that American sailors will die at Iranian hands in the future.

We should've sunk every one of them.

Not because we're warmongers. But because the Iranians had made threats, verbal and physical, that amounted to acts of war. When will we learn that resolute action taken early saves vast amounts of blood and treasure later?

They now believe that the Bush administration, our military and the entire United States are afraid of them. Here's how the train of thought rolled down the tracks in Tehran:

"We can push these cowardly Americans now. They've had enough in Iraq. Their spirits are broken. Their next president will run away like a gazelle pursued by a lion.

"Even their military is frightened of us. On Sunday, America's might bowed down to us. They are frightened and godless, and the time has come to push them."
On Tuesday, senior Revolutionary Guards commander Ali Reza Tangsiri was quoted as saying Iran had the right to ask any ships to identify themselves upon entering or leaving the Persian Gulf.

I wonder if that's true.
Why the hell does some beauracrat in Washington (or Florida) have to give the green light when our troops are under threat?

I'm resaonably sure that we told Ali Reza Tangsiri who we were. Even if we didn't...these are warships fer chrissake-didn't he see the USS on the bow? Right under the Harpoons.
If its in International waters ,I don't think they have any such rights,the fact they probably believe it to be their waters and NOT International though :wackjob:

If the Ships would have believed the smaller boats as any threat ,they would have been dealt with swiftly,the fact they weren't blowed up ,shows they weren't a credible threat.Its only the politicos that are bringing it to light,the troops probably see this regularily.
Theres is a 4 mile wide shipping zone, ...that's open water.

(they prolly wanted to check the braile codes on the hull)
those speed-boaters are either good, or lucky.
They 'bout got their ass blown out of the water.
On Tuesday, senior Revolutionary Guards commander Ali Reza Tangsiri was quoted as saying Iran had the right to ask any ships to identify themselves upon entering or leaving the Persian Gulf.

If he would learn to use a pair of fuckin' binoculars he would be able to see the American flag flown on our ships. That should be identification enough.

Personally I believe our identification signal should be "I'm your worst fuckin' nightmare, asshole!"
If he would learn to use a pair of fuckin' binoculars he would be able to see the American flag flown on our ships. That should be identification enough.

Is that what we do when unidentified ships come near our country? We just look for a flag and let 'em pass?