Iranian boats provoke US Warships

So if we identified a another countries warship off our coast we would talk to them? Just let 'em pass?
In international waters? You'd stalk them from just inside the 200 mile limit. As has been done many, many times in the past.
Hmmmm, American war ships have ben cruising the Persian Gulf for how long now?
Is that what we do when unidentified ships come near our country? We just look for a flag and let 'em pass?

Maybe you missed the part of the video -- the very beginning -- where the ships declared their origin, their business, and their intentions.

The United States still observes a twelve mile coastal jurisdictional limit. That would mean that the ship would have to come within twelve miles of our coastline to be in violation. Other than that, they are in international waters and are outside of U.S. jurisdiction. Interdicting a ship in international waters is an international crime and can be considered an act of war.
spike said:
So if we identified a another countries warship off our coast we would talk to them? Just let 'em pass?

No, we'd float suspicious boxes in the water and tell them they will "soon explode."
'Iran threats' may have been work of a heckler

Threats to US ships in the Strait of Hormuz heard at the end of a Pentagon-released recording of an incident between Iranian patrol boats and US Navy warships last week may have been the work of a local heckler known as the "Filipino Monkey", The Navy Times has reported.

Watch: Footage released by Iran over US navy vessel incident | Watch: Footage released by the Pentagon
A video released on Friday showed several small Iranian boats approaching US ships in an incident that President Bush has described as "provocative", while a previously-released audio recording included a threat to destroy the ships.

The Pentagon says the threat was received during the incident.

In accented English a voice is heard to say "I am coming to you ... You will explode in a few minutes." Pentagon officials had previously stated that the voice came from one of the boats, but they are now distancing themselves from that claim, saying instead that they do not know the source of the transmission.

The Navy Times said that the voice in the audio did not match that of an Iranian officer shown speaking to Navy cruiser USS Port Royal over the radio in a video released by the Iranian authorities.

This has led several Navy experts to raise the possibility that a heckler, known locally as the "Filipino Monkey" - or a copycat - could have made the threats.

"Filipino Monkey" is believed to be more than one person. Its modus operandi is to listen in to ship-to-ship radio traffic before jumping in with insults and threats.

According to The Navy Times, US Navy women come in for particularly harsh treatment.

A civilian mariner told the paper that the "Filipino Monkey" phenomenon is worldwide, but more common in areas of heavy shipping such as the Strait of Hormuz.

Despite the discovery that Iran may not have been behind the threats, US President George W Bush has not toned down his rhetoric against the Islamic state. Speaking during his eight-day tour of the Middle East, Mr Bush described Iran as "the world's leading state sponsor of terror," which funds extremists, stirs up unrest in Lebanon, arms the Taliban, and threatens the stability of the entire Middle East with its refusal to fully disclose the facts surrounding its nuclear programme.
What are the odds that a mythical radio troll would inform the US Navy ships they would "explode in a few minutes" at the exact same moment in time that the Iranian boats were charging the ships and floating objects out in the water?

Wow. It's uncanny.

Apparently the speedboats were just offloading garbage, and later the Iranians were shocked and peeved to learn that they could've gotten their asses blown out of the water all because some dweeb on the shortwave was broadcasting his BS to the Americans. :shrug:
Isn't it odd how many of the posted news reports here have been outted as fakes? Isn't it unusual that the main stream media doesn't investigate this even a little before printing it as fact?

No, not really. We'd all do well to remember that what makes the news ... is who reports it.
No, not really. We'd all do well to remember that what makes the news ... is who reports it.

Which is what about 80% of the arguments in here are about.

CNN vs FOX (and all the little tributaries nearby)
Even the BBC? Heavens! Who am I to believe about Iran's nuclear ambitions, now?

Russia thinks the launch of an Iranian rocket into space raises suspicion over the true aim of its nuclear programme, a foreign ministry official has said.
"Long-range missiles are one of the components of a [nuclear] weapons system," Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov told Interfax.

Therefore Monday's test launch of Iran's Explorer-1 space rocket was "of course, a cause for concern", he said.