Iraq threatens suicide attacks as US, Britain court new UN vote

This whole thing is a paradox to me. I see the wisdom in fighting the fight, but I wish our reasons were more morally sound. I really don't trust a lot of the rheteric....
Prof said:
Carter, carter. Wasn't he the one who couldn't get the Iranian hostages back until it was obvious that Reagan was gonna be in power and blow the shit outta them?

I think that's the same guy. He also, or so I've heard, brokered North Koreas acceptance into the Nuclear Club.
Well Squiq, i can tell you that along with millions of other Americans i believe we should go in and i certainly have nothing to benifit from the oil and if i did, i wouldn't know it. I think ultimately it is a just cause.
Gonz said:
Prof said:
Carter, carter. Wasn't he the one who couldn't get the Iranian hostages back until it was obvious that Reagan was gonna be in power and blow the shit outta them?

I think that's the same guy. He also, or so I've heard, brokered North Koreas acceptance into the Nuclear Club.

Oh yeah. I remember now. Something about "guns for hostages"....Oh wait. That WASN'T Carter...... I'm sure if you dig deep enough, you can uncover the story of Reagen's people negotiating a delay in the hostage release till after the election.....funny how things turn.....:D
Squiggy said:
Thats what was reported....

The word you're looking for is speculated. There has, in 11+ years, been not one single shred of proof nor corroborating evidence.
Strange how what you call speculation didn't stop you from wanting to kill some Iraqis....I guess that was good speculation and you are clairvoyant enough to know....
Squiggy. please. In 1991 we went to war with the Iraqis for invading a neighboring country. They threw up their white flags & surrendered. In the surrender agreement they (he, saddam) agreed to a number of provisions. In the interum we've seen weapons. He has shown no proof of dismantling, destroying or getting rid of these weapons. That is his part of the agreement. He's failed, repeatedly. It doesn't take clairvoyance, it takes opening your eyes.
We went to war because they invaded one of our energy allies who were just as atrociously flagarent in their human rights abuses. We just didn't want Iraq controling kuwaiti oil. We didn't care about the atrocities Kuwait was guilty of because they were "oil friendly"...
I don't defend our actions in 1991. I don't think we needed to go, there were plenty of regional armies. We did, we turned it over to the UN & here we sit. This time it's to put an end to the bullshit.
I say we shouldn't have gone there in 1991. A mistake? Questionable. However, since that time, he has proven over & over & over & over again to be dangerous & not in compliance with the mandates in which he agreed. It's time to end the charade.
:disgust2: Now who is basing there beliefs in speculation....Let me know when its ok and when its not so I can understand some of this...