Is chat dead?


New Member
So I finally gave in to a couple of friends and got an instant messenger downloaded now that I have a decent machine. I decided I would go and look in OTC profiles for some old chat contacts that I had back when I last had a messenger. It appears that most of those folks no longer IM...which has me wondering if it is a thing of the past with many of you folks.
So who still IMs?
Hardly used it then. Don't even have a download on this machine to install.
i have aim on my phone and i'm online pretty much 24/7, but almost always away... for me, it's less for random chatting and more for quick messages.
that one's SN is aBatNamedAsh .
i have ichat on my mac, which i use a aim sn for, and that's one's VernalEternal, but i'm on that much much less.

i used to have multiple sn's signed on all at once and accumulated as many contacts as i could and chatted all the time, but i find that as time goes on, i don't like chatting with random people so much. i only ever really get meaningful messages from my two closest friends, lol. have AIM on your phone-wasn't the mouth piece & speaker sufficient? This question also pertains to texting & general non phone communications. It is a TELEPHONE, right?
Gonz - ever try to hide talking on the phone while at work? :D

Tonks... which IM did you get? You can probably guess what my screen name would be on any of them... have AIM on your phone-wasn't the mouth piece & speaker sufficient? This question also pertains to texting & general non phone communications. It is a TELEPHONE, right?

I email from my phone frequently. Why? Because I am usually answering emails that come to me.

I don't get IMing from the phone it just like texting?

/me signs onto MSN, accepts add request

Well... guess that answers the previous question.

I'm still on MSN. I have it on if I'm home and I answer it like the phone (ie. when I hear someone msg me I reply). Occasionally I'll have a longer convo with friends in Ontario. I prefer it because it allows you to multitask. have AIM on your phone-wasn't the mouth piece & speaker sufficient? This question also pertains to texting & general non phone communications. It is a TELEPHONE, right?
There's the part I don't get. BTW, how fucking stupid do you have to be to text while driving?
Gonz - ever try to hide talking on the phone while at work? :D
No, it's called professionalism, or at least it used to be. Can't be that much easier to hide texting while working.

Re Tonks question, I've never used it much but I leave it on all the time for family members. My sister in NJ frequently PMs me to see if it's a good time to call. :lol: I used to chat with Mom quite a bit before she passed but her hearing was pretty bad. With Vonage I can call anyone I know with no long distance charges (unless I wanna call BoP sometime, I suppose) so why wouldn't I do that?

BTW Tonksy, unless you've changed it your still on my MSN list.
Yea, I talk on the phone at work. I call to warn 'em I'll be home at X o'clock. Befor eI had an oddball job, I didn't find a need to talk on the phone from work. It could wait. :shrug:

email on the phone? What's the computer for?

Texting while driving...flipping channels one night, we came across a Leno bit-some college age kids saying they could text faster than 2 old guys using morse code. Morse won.

My sister in NJ frequently PMs me to see if it's a good time to call.
Too funny.
There's the part I don't get. BTW, how fucking stupid do you have to be to text while driving?

No, it's called professionalism, or at least it used to be. Can't be that much easier to hide texting while working.

Re Tonks question, I've never used it much but I leave it on all the time for family members. My sister in NJ frequently PMs me to see if it's a good time to call. :lol: I used to chat with Mom quite a bit before she passed but her hearing was pretty bad. With Vonage I can call anyone I know with no long distance charges (unless I wanna call BoP sometime, I suppose) so why wouldn't I do that?

BTW Tonksy, unless you've changed it your still on my MSN list.

I have changed it. It's my current email ;)
I was gonna say I still have you but don't see you on...but I guess if you've changed it then I don't have you.
Yeah, I never got around to getting it when I got a new computer....and now that I had this upgrade I final got it again.