Is He listening?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Paul Harvey story today...I've got the facts right & the nuances are close enough.

In a small Ohio town, at the Baptist church, the congregation arrives on a beautiful, cloudless Sunday morning. Birds chirping, squirrels squirreling, lawnmowers buzzing off in the distance.

A traveling minister/deacon/priest (whatever they're called in baptistese) is preaching on about repentence. The congregation is into his sermon, doing thier Baptist thing when the minister asks the Lord for a sign that he hears them in all their moments of spiritual awareness.

Out of nowhere, the congregation notices that it's just pouring rain & thunder & lightning are everywhere. When all of the sudden a lightning bolt strikes the chuch steeple, sending the charge thru the wiring of the building, knocking out the PA system and, it seems, God, using the preachers microphone, strikes him & lights his ass up in blue flame. With the church now on fire (estimated $10,000,000. damage), they evacuate. Including the still alive preacherman.

As a non-believer, I could explain this away but it does have to make one wonder.
If the preacher got struck in the butt with lightning, he should definately be investigated.