Is history repeating itself?


Southern Discomfort
from Bold type is my addition for emphasis.

The public art committee in Portland, Maine is resisting the gift of a bronze statue because some of its members say the city already has enough statues of white people, according to the Boston Globe.

The statue, to be donated by the owner of a local minor league baseball team and placed outside the stadium, depicts a family of four going to a game. In an article about the statue, the local Portland Press Herald quoted a member of the public committee that must approve its placement as saying that the city had enough "white folks on pedestals."

Predictably, many locals didn't take too kindly to the comments, calling the committee arrogant, out-of-touch and ungracious. Comments to the paper's website have run overwhelmingly along the lines of those of Melissa Wolf of Scarborough said.

"I'm not racist, but there's nothing wrong with white people," she said. "Every city is different, and here, we're the majority. I don't see why diversity has to be shoved down our throats."


Wow. Where was that attitude in 1861?

Maybe since the South is more racially integrated than dear ole Newe Englande, we oughta invade and force them to accept black folk into their communities. They don't bite, ya know, carry no more disease than white folk, don't have cooties, none of that stuff. You all ought to give 'em a chance, IF you get a minute free from your "redneck Southern hick" jokes.
Wait...if the statue is bronze then how do they know it's suppose to be white folk? Because they don't have afros and big lips? Isn't that stereotyping? They could be any number of ethnic backgrounds.
Far be it for me to seem insensitive... but are there many brothers in Maine? I wouldn't think it to be a top 10 destination.
2000 Census:

96.9 honky
.5 black
.6 native injun
.7 asian
.7 latino

The remaining fraction reports either multiracial or just plain stupidity in what is meant by the question, aka 'other'.
Um, Family of four? Horrors. Could that imply a mother, father and two children????? How offensive is that to gays? Or wimmens that can't conceive? Or single parents?

Off with his head, the insensitive bastard.
unclehobart said:
What we need is a statue of a spanish surnamed albino lesbian dwarf quadraplegic.

Which would offend pretty much everyone else, but that's alright, isn't it?
Lemme see...2006, negroes, err, sory, blacks, oops, my bad, Afro-Americans...damnit, coloreds, my oh my, AFRICAN-AMERICANS (I do so wish they'd get their adjectives in order) may live in Portland Maine & make a living & have a family & go see Humback Cowboy just like everyone else. They just happen to realize IT'S TOO DAMNED COLD.

1854...Biloxi Mississippi...niggers ain't wanted unless they's on a chain gang or picking cotton.

Any difference?
Same in Biloxi as everywhere else in 1854, only Mississippi didn't pass laws making it illegal for them to be there at all. See any difference now?
I'm trying to figure out who's able to tell the difference between a white guy and a Mexican when the statue's in bronze.
Inkara1 said:
I'm trying to figure out who's able to tell the difference between a white guy and a Mexican when the statue's in bronze.

The burro. Don't they teach you Californians anything in school?
Inkara1 said:
I'm trying to figure out who's able to tell the difference between a white guy and a Mexican when the statue's in bronze.
boxers above the baggy jeans, modelo lite in one hand, the chain steering wheel, cheesy little moustache, phone card jutting out of one pocket.
unclehobart said:
boxers above the baggy jeans, modelo lite in one hand, the chain steering wheel, cheesy little moustache, phone card jutting out of one pocket.
So that's how to tell the white guys... what about the Mexicans?
On a related note...from same source as original post. Again, I bolded certain parts for emphasis.

The University of Massachusetts-Amherst will begin phasing out residence hall areas designated for particular races and ethnicities, according to the Boston Globe, realizing 40 years late that "there's nothing healthy about segregation."

Currently, there are dorms floors set aside for students of Asian, African-American, and Native American backgrounds, and one for students seeking a multicultural environment. They are intended to "provide comfort and comradeship on an overwhelmingly white campus."

Beginning this fall, however, there will be no Black Only or Asian Only floors and officials say they will discourage students from segregating themselves. The school will, however, offer living plans that bring together people with the same interests -- students interested in African-American studies, for example.

"Students who come to the university need to be exposed to different opinions and ideas. When you have segregated pockets in our residence halls, we are allowing students to shut themselves off, and then they are missing out," said Michael Gargano, vice chancellor of student affairs and campus life.


Dorms segregated by the school, Blacks Only dorms or portions thereof...where do they think they are, Biloxi 1855?

Damn racist Southerners, so backward in their thinking and actions. They really need to join the 20th Century already, huh?
SouthernN'Proud said:
Maybe since the South is more racially integrated than dear ole Newe Englande, we oughta invade and force them to accept black folk into their communities.

Umm, good luck getting the Irish folk in the South End or the Italian folk in the North End to accept any sort of forced integration. I am from the Boston area and will admit that it is not the most racially diverse or accepting area of the country, and like the lady said, don't force diversity down our throats. We'll accept it if we want to.

Me personally, I have no problems with the color of a persons skin. Unfortunately, that is not the case (for the most part) in those areas of Boston.