Is it Genetic?


100% Pure Canadian Beef
So, we were sitting watching TV, and they show a baby hippo, and the newscaster says somehting about hunting hippos....

And Avery the Conservationist is born. He was indignant, and wanted to know what he could do to stop it...first asking mommy what she was doing to stop it, he wanted to go to the mayor and everything.

damn commie.

Leslie told him to continue in school, become a biologist, and then when he was grown up, he could stop this type of thing happening.
Did they say what the hunted hippos were good for? I don't think I've ever heard anyone speak of hippo leather or meat being decent.
Just explain to him that hippos kill more people in Africa per year than lions...;)
Gato_Solo said:
Just explain to him that hippos kill more people in Africa per year than lions...;)
And that killing animals is fun! Come on, isn't Avery the one that was voted most likely to terrorize the neighborhood cats?
Paul, for the sake of the free world, get this boy a .22 & bow & tell his mother that hipoo tastes like bashed seal pup.
Why bother with the gun. Just set up a dredge net a mile downstream and then pour a few gallons of caustic soda a few 100 yards upriver of the hippos... then sit back and wait for the net to fill up... with hippos, fish, plants, snakes and turtles. You should end up with some nice shiny rocks in the bargain.
Hippos are vile creatues. They fling their poo with their tails, attck boats and people, and eat tons of vegetation on a daily basis.
and they make that ugly burpy sound...actually it's kinda cool...think I could burp like that after 3 beers? ..........where's the damn coffee?
tonksy said:
Hippos are vile creatues. They fling their poo with their tails, attck boats and people, and eat tons of vegetation on a daily basis.
I still remember the time a hippo at the Dallas Zoo flung its poo with its tail. It had that tail spinning pretty fast, too. Luckily I was out of the way but there were some other tourists who weren't so lucky.
no it ain't genetic its more a nurture than nature kinda thing

the lil' tot wouldn't be a commie in training if he'd
not been poisoned with that pap from an early age

he needs Les of the book of tree huggers

and more readings from

the Book of Bob!
But I don't!!! Well, I must, but it's not as if they have an hour of commie training every night. When something comes up, I tell them what I think of it, if they seem interested, and they have their hunting war-mongering gun-loving carnivorous drives around in a camouflaged Dodge of a grandfather lecturing them for balance. My oldest had a goal when he was younger to grow up and be a diplomat so that he could go to China and make it law that little kids didn't have to make toys anymore.

Aaaaaanyway, this would be the widdle baby hippo in question
So lemme git this straight

Paul is so left leaning we need a stick to prop him up
but in the commie hand holding circle
he seems farther Right than Rush Limbaugh!

Whut's a good granola chompin’ muther to do?

burn the Book of Bob? Nah... heh heh