Is it Genetic?

Awwwwwww, you don't wanna shoot da cute ikkle bitty baby.... it's soooooooooo sweet. :)

Redneck monsters!
tonksy said:
Hippos are vile creatues. They fling their poo with their tails, attck boats and people, and eat tons of vegetation on a daily basis.

Re flinging their poo:

In the beginning the great creator gave the hippo the vast plains of the savannah to roam. But hippo got really unhappy when he felt the heat of the African sun burning on his back and saw how crocodile did not have this problem because he could cool off in the blue waters of the big river.

Hippo asked the great creator why he could not also cool off in the inviting waters of the river, but the creator said: No hippo, you are too big and will eat all the fish in the water. You must stay in the open veld.

This made hippo very sad and night after night he wept. After some time his crying became so intense that it kept the creator up all night. So the creator came down to the plains to find out what was wrong. And hippo lamented the fact that he was so big and had such a thick skin and how the sun burnt down on him. He explained that he really would be much happier in the waters of the river. He promised the creator that he would never eat a single fish from the river. The creator thought about this and they came to an agreement - hippo could stay in the rivers, but he had to prove to the creator that he never ate any fish. That is why, to this day hippo spreads his dung on the side of the river - for the great creator so see that it contains no fish bones.

Re attacking boats:

They attack what they see as invaders in their territory. It's the laws of nature that what does not belong should be removed. People who take their boats in among hippos deserve to be attacked. Especially if they happen to be motorised boats - ever see what a hippo looks like after he'd been mangled by the blades of a prop engine?

Re consuming vast amounts of vegitation:

Elephants too consume vast amounts of vegitation of a daily basis. They both are big animals and require such large quantities of food in order to survive. Many people think that the animals are responsible for devistation of their habitat when in fact we are to blame for it. We fence them in and then cry about the amount of food they consume and how they wreck the place. Fact is if they were still free to roam as they would naturally do the devistation would be far less as the vegitation would have time to recover. We can't expect animals to change their ways just because we feel they have to.

(We have a thing for hippos in my family :D)
simplyred said:
and they make that ugly burpy sound...actually it's kinda cool...think I could burp like that after 3 beers? ..........where's the damn coffee?

It's a way of communication. Each hippo 'burps' at a different frequency, which makes it possible for a mother and her young to find each other when they get split up. That burp can be heard as far as 40km underwater.

I think they're fascinating animals, with a rather sophisticated social structure.
You sure about that one?

BTW - it's not really pollution as it's all plant matter, it contains high levels of nutrients that feeds some of the water inhabitants (this is what I seem to remember from what a guide once told us)
From some pics i have seen a few Californians look like hippos too.

(That is of course for many people around the world).
Leslie said:
But I don't!!! Well, I must, but it's not as if they have an hour of commie training every night. When something comes up, I tell them what I think of it, if they seem interested, and they have their hunting war-mongering gun-loving carnivorous drives around in a camouflaged Dodge of a grandfather lecturing them for balance. My oldest had a goal when he was younger to grow up and be a diplomat so that he could go to China and make it law that little kids didn't have to make toys anymore.

Aaaaaanyway, this would be the widdle baby hippo in question

Back you heathen...the power of TED complels you