is it just me or does this server suck?

It's takeing 2-3 mins to load a page today:(
and it's not just today.... sometimes I can't connect at all :mad:
Some of you may have noticed a few 404 errors and the URL being

We were suspended for a few minutes while the host was testing a few of its high load sites and seeing which one was causing the load problems. We're within the top 10% intense sites, but we're not the problem. Glad they finally got that sorted out. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by fury
Last night I saw it at 17, 22, 19, and 14 a few times

I've seen it hit as high as 97

That's what happens when you stick 100 sites on a weak server.

That's disgraceful numbers.

load averages: 0.13, 0.08, 0.08 on a Pentium III 866 MHz, 256MB RAM, 30.7GB disk.

That's the server I'm hosted on. Looking at the number of usernames on it I would estimate there are 200+ accounts on it. The diff is has 28 shared DB servers for databases to be run on.
Originally posted by Professur
I've no problems either. Maybe it's only yobbos with high speed internet how have problems? That would be a nice change.


It's refreshing to recall how shitty dial-up WAS...
Now that Sam went to a new host, hopefully this thread no longer serves any purpose. :)
That's just like us to keep posting to a thread after it no longer serves a purpose :eek:

Such is the very essence of Off Topic Central. Rock on! :headbang: