Is it just me or...


Major contributor!
is this about one of the stupidest ways to waste money, knowing full well it will make no difference at all? Typical Californian...

"As long as something is illegal, it's going to remain unsafe and exploited. I want to see women be empowered to speak up and demand their rights," she said.

Keyword: something.

Well hell lady, why don't we make murder, drugs, and all the rest legal to so we can all have our own little agendas forced on the rest of who think differently? Making prostitution legal is simply stupid. It's not one of the stupidest or close to the stupidest. It's just stupid. Plain and simple.,2933,123667,00.html
wasting money takes a whole new level up here...apparently murderers can get tax-refunds from purchased murder weapons and other things that they use to commit crimes (like getaway cars etc) because they are required for them to do their profession :)

you can understand that there was a bit of a fuzz about it when it hit the media...
nope, some political retard said "it's hard to explain this to the common people, but we have to make a difference between the justicial part and financial part of a case."

they are planning to change regulations though...the asshole who came up with the idea in the first place may be shot. same as the politican by the way...he should remember he is chosen by those common people, and is working for those common people.
PostCode said:
is this about one of the stupidest ways to waste money, knowing full well it will make no difference at all? Typical Californian...
Worst of all, I get looped in with that tard because I'm in the same state. The last thing we need is to make prostitution legal in a college town.
abooja said:
I think prostitution should be legalized.

Guess that makes me a full fledged libertarian.

Gasp, me too. Careful, to quote Supertramp; "Watch what you say, They'll be calling you a liberal..."
*wonders how would it be for the people to take their hooker bills to their accountant so they can declare taxes.
abooja said:
I think prostitution should be legalized.

As do I. Was gonna comment earlier, but decided against wading in against all the vitriole.

New Zealand legalised (decriminalised?) prostitution fairly recently, and you know what? I haven't noticed one iota of difference, other than there's not as many hookers on the streets. Legalised prostitution ensures that women have a safe place to work from (and health & safety procedures to follow), will not fall prey to "pimping", and have the usual protective legislation as other workers. They get other benefits as well related to sexual health, etc.


<edit> whoah, I had no idea that our transgendered MP (Minister of Parliament) used to be a prostitute. :confused:
Professur said:
It works for me. Rape a chick, and drop a $20 on her as you walk away. Legally, you're good.

No, you're not. Clearly you have had no exposure to legislation with regards to legalised prostitution. A woman has more rights, more protection when her job is recognised as legal. Rape is rape, regardless of who/what the victim is. :disgust:
PostCode said:
is this about one of the stupidest ways to waste money, knowing full well it will make no difference at all? Typical Californian...

Keyword: something.

Well hell lady, why don't we make murder, drugs, and all the rest legal to so we can all have our own little agendas forced on the rest of who think differently? Making prostitution legal is simply stupid. It's not one of the stupidest or close to the stupidest. It's just stupid. Plain and simple.,2933,123667,00.html

I am not adverse to prostitution or drugs being legalised. Murder tho is a disgusting act and should remain illegal
BeardofPants said:
legislation with regards to legalised prostitution.
A woman has more rights, more protection when her job is recognised as legal.

That sez it all don't it?

No wait I have to consider the crowd...

Nevermind :tardbang:
BeardofPants said:
No, you're not. Clearly you have had no exposure to legislation with regards to legalised prostitution.

Clearly you're right. And having worked night desk at a hotel for 7 years, I'd like to keep it that way. I've seen hookers up close. And I've no delusion that legalizing it is going to improve the breed any.
Shadowfax said:
wasting money takes a whole new level up here...apparently murderers can get tax-refunds from purchased murder weapons and other things that they use to commit crimes (like getaway cars etc) because they are required for them to do their profession :)

you can understand that there was a bit of a fuzz about it when it hit the media...,2933,145513,00.html
A bank robber in the southern Dutch town of Chaam (search) was able to subtract the cost of his gun from his fine, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.

"You can't just tell the judge you spent 10,000 euro without any proof," de Lange said.

Day-to-day expenses don't count either, only costs directly related to the crime, said Gerard Sta, director of the Office of Criminal Assets, told De Standaard newspaper of Amsterdam.

"A second condition is that the criminal offense must be carried out," Sta added.
