Is it just me?

Did i mention i am a Jevohavh's witness? (with a day job side-line in life insurance?)

anyone interested? C'mon! - step up now ...
Or does anyone else feel like they suck when they're the last one to post in a thread that sorta looked like it was on a roll?


I've only read your first post and commenting because this post has gone three pages and this might be the first time I'm seeing it.

*goes off to read the rest of the comments in this post*
Life Insurance, huh? I just signed up for two auto policies and homeowners insurance. Maybe I need life insurance too.

(Do you beleive in God? ..we have a special 'next life' clause if you do ... )

oh dear - i'm crap at this last post gig! :hmm:
Not applicable.

In the next life, friend, you will not need such.

Can i interest you in the 'bliss' range?*

*Please don't bother to read the smallprint on the penalties for missing a payment**.

**payments may be called for at irregular times and we reserve the right to vary the amount based on current or non current factors