Is it just me?

Kitty On Crack

New Member
Is it just me? Am I that stupid? I can't seem to get the avatar to work and it is really starting to irrate me....can no one help? ?( ?( :(
What picture are you trying to use? It has to be smaller than 90x90, and it should be a gif or jpg, but some other types work as well. If you don't know how big it is, open it in Internet Explorer, and then right click on it and push Properties. It should tell you the dimensions. Make sure it is smaller than 90x90 pixels.
The process is a little odd, you first need to browse for the avatar, and second select the "use custom avatar" option. Try it in that order. As the option is above the browse, it is not the order in which one would naturally do things. Took me a little while to figure that out. :) Also, generally if it is too big or the wrong type you will get an error message telling you that, are you getting one? I gather not, or you would have posted that by now, so that probably isn't it. Let us know what you've tried and any error messages that are coming up.