is it me?

no, you can't LOL

never noticed it before .. this morning, I'm getting ready for work and the tv was on and he was there talking about .. well .. um.. I don't know cause I wasn't paying attention .. anyway, for a minute I thought "dayum!"

nalani said:
Or is England's Prime Minister kinda ... umm... hot?


What, you mean you've ONLY just noticed? Actually he's gone grey and looking considerably mor harassed these days but still qite cute... which probably increased his popularity amongst female voters initially... :D

Lemme see if I can find a piccy for you...
I like the 2nd pic more than the 1st one.

well, he's hotter than Bill Clinton and look how much hoochies Bill got :D
They're both looking a bit windswept in this....

No hoochies here, he's a happily married man with 4 kids, one of whom is about 2.

Definately the fittest prime minister we've had in a long while. :D
He's not really my type.

If he were less of a contrived, pant-wetting fuckhead I might like him.
ipmoof said:
He's not really my type.

If he were less of a contrived, pant-wetting fuckhead I might like him.


is he a dick, then? Well, if so, he's a cute dick :D
Sorry sis, I gotta say that it's just you. He looks kinda like a monkey...
Gato_Solo said:
He kind of reminds me of Martin Short... :p

:nudge:....Which reminds me....Has anyone else noticed the Star Wars part when the ewoks capture Luke,Chewwie, Han,etc....When they see C3p0, one of the ewoks clearly says "Martin Short"?
no i didnt i actully thought of the movie inner space(the one with him and meg ryan where the guy gets shrunk and put into martins body). i love that movie and i know im alone in that