Is it Popular?


Well-Known Member
I just heard Ben Cardin say "What's popular is not always in the best intrest of the country"

Do you think that's true?

If Yes, how should that be handled?

If you think not, let him know.
Majority doesn't mean correct...never has, never will.

You can look at his statement several ways.

"Obama was he in the best interest of the country"
"The idea of invading Iraq was popular...was it in the best interest of the country"
"Slavery was popular...was it in the best interest of the country"
well, you get the idea, eh.
I've got my dingy radical paranoid views on those responses, but I'll rebut tomorrow, when I'm fresh.:p
Was slavery popular? About half the nation thought is was ok.

A member of Congress is there to represent the people. That can be a populist position. The job is to represent the people within a set of pre-defined limits (the Constitution). If a popular notion is to make a widows fund (SSA) because we are a caring & thoughtful nation, the pol needs to first weigh it against the rules set forth by our ultimate set of rules. Of course, we can follow a populist idea, make that widows fund law, force our workforce to pay into a ponzi scheme, one that will be bankrupt within 75 years, but hey, it was popular.
Majority doesn't mean correct...never has, never will.

You can look at his statement several ways.

"Obama was he in the best interest of the country"
"The idea of invading Iraq was popular...was it in the best interest of the country"
"Slavery was popular...was it in the best interest of the country"
well, you get the idea, eh.

Global Warming, Obama -- 'nuff said.

I don't think those things were 'popular', I have my theories, but my definition
of popular doesn't fit.

If something is so-called popular, but is wrong, then communication isn't being displayed properly.
If communication Is being done properly, and it's still popular, maybe you are wrong.

Obama only had a 'partial majority'.
On Iraq, the populous still doesn't have proper communication. (all the intel)
Slavery was never popular.
Global warming was never popular, in was propagandized.
yeah, dude, slavery WAS popular. national socialism WAS popular. being a "green" weenie IS popular. and ALL that shit is propagandized.
In the truth we find there was quite bit a controversy about slavery with the founding fathers, it wasn't as popular as one might think.
In the truth we find there was quite bit a controversy about slavery with the founding fathers, it wasn't as popular as one might think.

The 3/5 rule was a marvel at great politics.

Create a country with a flaw but keep that flaw from becoming too strong.