Is it possible to fall asleep watching a horror movie???....apprently.... yes.


Well-Known Member
*******Warning****** spoilers ahead of this crap hole excuse for a horror film.

Movie House of 1000 corpses.

Plot - whatever little there is of.... Mysanthropic southern hicks kill and maime poeple because they have nothing better to do...oh and yeah and there is some methadone clinic reject named Dr. Satan who performs weird sugeries to create super humans out of mentally challenged people.....bascially a Med school dropout.

Review - I went into this movie with high hopes. First of all I had heard great things about it, second of all it was made by Rob Zombie..i mean Rob "freaking" Zombie. The movie was a giant snooze fest. It is a terrible sign when one wants to sleep during a movie..a worse sign if that is during actions scenes and just plain terrible sign if that is during horror movie action scenes. The characters were just pointless killers with no purpose and oh and in the end you meet Dr scary...a skinny, white, bald dude with iron fence for a stomach and bad jewelry on his face performing cheap plastic surgery. This satan guy is suppose to be the main draw of the movie but he is in the whole movie for a mere 2 mintues......the rest is about some loser family and their sunshine killer dad named OTIS........

Final word - I have seen scarier Gossebumps episodes....and this from a person who covers his eyes at any scary movie.
i cant wait for the sequel. i thought HOC was hilarious!! now your sig on the other hand scares even me. adn in terms of your quetion i do it all the time
I heard even for a horror movie house of 1k corpses sucked big donkey balls.

Now freddy vs jason was classic!

but seriously freddy vs jason was awesome cause it was exactly what it should have been cheesy violent gory and stupid.
I want to see that. I grew up in the Freddy and Jason era, They were like my favorite nightmare material. I think that would be one kick ass movie.
PuterTutor said:
I want to see that. I grew up in the Freddy and Jason era, They were like my favorite nightmare material. I think that would be one kick ass movie.

Yup, certainly looking forward to the blood encrusted stroll down memory lane :D
PuterTutor said:
I want to see that. I grew up in the Freddy and Jason era, They were like my favorite nightmare material. I think that would be one kick ass movie.

Ooo ooo! I'm going tonight! And I know PT, I grew up with the horror that was Jason and Freddy, and loved every minute of it. Been waiting for this one for years :)

Edited because I can't spell
PuterTutor said:
I want to see that. I grew up in the Freddy and Jason era, They were like my favorite nightmare material. I think that would be one kick ass movie.

i was a kid who was too young to see them back then but i grew up on em too :mope: wish i coulda seen them in theatres when they were first out tho. classic. most horror films are pointless gore but some can be good too. just never take em seriously and theyre great
PuterTutor said:
I want to see that. I grew up in the Freddy and Jason era, They were like my favorite nightmare material. I think that would be one kick ass movie.

I fell dead asleep during Hannibal. Woke up for the gory bits and then dropped right back off.
Movie: Darkness Falls
Plot: Some guy sees the toothfairy's face, and now she tries to kill him. She can't go into the light, so they have to stay out of the dark. Some more people see the bitch, movie fades into complete wierdness.
Conclusion: DON'T see it!!!
freako104 said:

If the previous reply wasn't clear enough then i don't know what else to say. When the main draw for a movie is only present for less than 30 seconds something is wrong, SCRIPT CHANGE would be the order of the day.