is MSN messenger down??

Luis G

Staff member
I seem to be unable to login, or check the status of the service :shrug:
I haven't been able to all evening either, Luis...dunno what's up, it shut itself down on me :alienhuh:
Ditto-think it is-tried signing into mine and wont let me...

(elevator music in the back ground) (da da da dinkle dinkle dink, do do do dinkle dinkle da.... :lol2: )
it disconnected me about 2-3 hours ago, and ever since i can't log.

ICQ i guess. :D
Shit........I knew I shouldn't have tried me new webcam today.......I've broken messenger.......sorry :retard:
Ahhh they always post that-make us think its our problem..

BUZZZZZZZZ, warning this is only a test, if this were a real emergency, you wouldn't be on your computer now would you.... :D
Once again, is it down for you guys as well??

Forget it, it is back :shrug:
[muttering]Useless piece of shit, msn bloody conspiracy, nil communicado, should have left the bloody thing in the recycle bin after last time, anti-social billionaire bleedin' software manufacturer, might as well live in a bloody cave, hermits communicate more than I do at the moment...[/muttering]

Yeah, tis still down here.......:shrug:

Edit: It's workin' again!

It seems like it is completely down again (or perhaps under attack), anyone with the same problem?
i was getting some weird messages about msn switchboard or something last night, when i woke up this morning i'd been kicked off. i'm using Gaim so i figured it had something to do with that.