Is Obama American born?


Well-Known Member
This article calls to question whether Obama has anything to hide about the whereabouts of his birth. The images provided are quite interesting and it is from a foreign (Israeli) source.

I'll withhold comment for now.

Unstamped certificate suggests Obama may not be "natural born" US citizen
By Reuven Koret June 24, 2008

The "birth certificate" claimed by the Barack Obama campaign is not certified as authentic and appears to be a photoshopped fake.

The image, purporting to come from the Hawaii Department of Health, has been the subject of intense skepticism in the blogosphere in the past two weeks. But now the senior spokesman of that Department has confirmed to Israel Insider what are the required features of a certified birth document -- features that Obama's purported "birth certificate" clearly lack.

Raised or not, was he born in the USA? That is the Constitutional grounds. It all seems a little silly to me but he needs to provided unquestionable proof.
Raised or not, was he born in the USA? That is the Constitutional grounds. It all seems a little silly to me but he needs to provided unquestionable proof.

He is not required to be born in the USA. Just that his parents are US citizens. This is the same thing they tried to get McCain on, as he was born in Panama.
He is not required to be born in the USA. Just that his parents are US citizens. This is the same thing they tried to get McCain on, as he was born in Panama.

He needs to be a "natural born" person in the United States or one of Her territories. The question remains: Why is he posting what appears to be a forged birth certificate on his webpage? It lacks several distinct requirements under Hawaiian law. Why is the registration number blacked out? Where is the registrar's signature? Where is the embossed seal?

Compare the two examples that are given in the article and how they differ. Click the hi-res link and then use the expansion button in the lower right corner to blow it up. Note that backward date that shows through in reverse, June 6, 2007. (D Day, by the way) If that shows through then why does the registrar's signature not also as it does on the other example?

The Constitutional issue is too important to overlook.

Also, while his mother was a U.S. citizen his father's citizenship is in question as to whether he was a citizen at the time of Obama's birth.
No, he doesn't need to be born in the US. A citizen born outside the US (to a citizen parent or parents) is still a "Natural born citizen".
It's not that clear.

In fact, there are conflicting holdings that only further compound the problem of understanding this clause. United States v. Wong Kim Ark(1898) indicates that foreign born children of Americans are not natural born. But in contrast, Weedin v. Chin Bow (1927) holds that "at common law the children of our citizen born abroad were always natural born citizen from the standpoint of this government."


I don't give a rats ass unless it proves a problem so it's worth looking into.

Glad to see chcr is up to his usual arcane & impervious banter.
No, he doesn't need to be born in the US. A citizen born outside the US (to a citizen parent or parents) is still a "Natural born citizen".

That this is being debated at all requires he prove his Constitutional requirement to qualify for President.

This from another board:

Barack Obama is not a legal U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between December 24, 1952, to November 13, 1986. Federal Law requires that the office of President requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. Citizen parents. This is what exempts John McCain, though he was born in the US Panama Canal Zone.

US Law very clearly states: '. . . If only one parent is a U.S. Citizen at the time of one's birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for minimum ten years, five of which must be after the age of 16.' Barack Obama's father was not a U.S. Citizen is a fact.

Obama's mother was only 18 when Obama was born. This means even though she had been a U.S. Citizen for 10 years, (or citizen of Hawaii being a territory), his mother fails the test for at-least-5-years- prior-to Barack Obama's birth, but-after-age-16.

In essence, Mother alone is not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. Citizenship. At most, 2 years elapsed from his mother turning 16 to the time of Barack Obama's birth when she was 18. His mother would have needed to have been 16 + 5 = 21 years old at the time of Barack Obama's birth for him to be a natural-born citizen. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at the time his mother would have needed to be to allow him natural citizenship from his only U.S. Citizen parent. Obama should have been naturalized as a citizen . . . but that would disqualify him from holding the office.

The Constitution clearly declares: Naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of President. Though Barack Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 10, any other information does not matter because his mother is the one who must fulfill the requirement to be a U.S. Citzen for 10 years prior to his birth on August 4, 1961, with 5 of those years being after age 16.

Further, Obama may have had to have remained in the USA for some time frame to protect any citizenship he might have had, rather than living in Indonesia. This is very clear cut and a glaring violation of U.S. Election law. I think the Governor Schwarzenegger of California should be very interested in discovering if Obama is allowed to be elected President without being a natural-born U.S. Citizen, since this would set a precedent. Stay tuned to your TV sets because I suspect some of this information will be leaking through over the next several days.

The requirement for citizenship by birth, is CONDITIONED by law.
The law was eased in 1986, but was not made retroactive.
Here's the law:

Citizenship by birth (INA § 301, 8 USC § 1401)

If one parent is a US citizen, and the other is not, and the parents are married, then the current law says the child is a US citizen if the American parent was physically present in the US for one or more periods of time totalling at least five years, at some time or times in his or her life prior to (but not necessarily immediately prior to) the child's birth. Additionally, at least two years out the required five years of physical presence must have taken place after the parent's 14th birthday; thus, for example, a parent who was born and grew up in the US, but who left before reaching age 16 and never returned, doesn't meet the requirement.

Prior to 14 November 1986, the physical presence requirement in this case was ten years (instead of five) -- including five years (instead of two) spent after the parent's 14th birthday. The requirement was reduced in 1986, but the change did not retroactively make US citizenship available to people born previously who did not meet the old requirement. (Congress's intent not to make this change retroactive was affirmed in 1988 with the passage of Public Law 100-525, § 8(d), 102 Stat. 2619).

Since the requirement, with one foreign parent, is the citizen parent have a minimum of ten years (5 years after 1986) residency AFTER age 14, Obama's mama fails the test on both counts, since she was only 18 when he was born.
Any candidate for President must prove he meets the Constitutional requirements of the office. Hillary awaits with bated breath.

What s interesting is the same image which was posted in the thread header is on Obama's website HERE including that backward Jun 6 2007 date and blacked out registration number. Now the Israeli Insider says that what is posted on Daily Kos (Chaos) is a forgery and names the forger.]

Curiouser and curiouser, Alice.
:rolleyes: If Obama is not permitted to take the oath, then niether is John McCain. He was born in Panama. That would leave only Hillary with enough votes to get elected.
McCain is a natural-born citizen because at the time of his birth the United States held sovereignty over the Panama Canal Zone, because he was born on a U.S. military base, and because his parents were U.S. citizens.
That shot of him saluting without his cover just drives me batty. That is just not done in the Navy.