Is the Earth preparing to flip?


Well-Known Member
It is not just the plot for a far-fetched science-fiction disaster movie. Something unexplained really is happening to the Earth's magnetic field.

In recent years, the field has been behaving in ways not previously seen in the admittedly short time it has been monitored.

Some researchers think it may presage a geomagnetic reversal when the north and south magnetic poles flip.

Such speculation takes place as the science-fiction movie The Core goes on release. In the film, the Earth's core stops rotating and our planet's magnetic sheath collapses.

A manned mission is despatched to the centre of the Earth to "jumpstart" the planet.

Scientists admit there are things going on way beneath our feet that they do not understand, and which could have profound consequences for life on the surface.

Towards Siberia

The Earth's magnetic field is caused by motions in the ball of molten iron that lies at the centre of our planet. Electrical currents in the outer part of the core result in the planet-wide magnetic field. The magnetic field not only shields us from harmful cosmic rays but also funnels charged particles shed by the Sun towards the magnetic poles, where they can produce beautiful auroral displays.

The field is also an invaluable aid to navigation. Even though today we have the pinpoint accuracy of the satellite-based Global Positioning System, many still rely on their compass needle pointing to magnetic north.

But as all who use a compass know, the position of the magnetic pole changes and there is evidence that it is changing at an increasing rate.

Working for the Canadian Government-funded Geolab, it is Larry Newitt's job is to track the wandering north magnetic pole.

Every few years he undertakes a seven hour flight from his base in Ottawa to Resolute Bay, the closet inhabited spot to the magnetic pole. Then it is a three-and-a-half-hour flight north in a Twin-Otter aircraft which will land on ice. Today the pole is at sea and the expedition can only be done at the end of the winter when the sea is frozen.

Placing magnetic sensors on the ice the expedition attempts to surround the magnetic pole and triangulate its correct position. But each time they go back it's moved.

"We're following it across the ice," Larry Newitt told BBC News Online. "It jumps around from day to day and year to year and we have to keep track of it."

Measurements of magnetic poles position in 1904 by explorer Roald Amundsen put it in roughly the same place as an earlier though less accurate measurement made in 1831 by the British explorer John Ross.

Since then it wandered slowly northward until about 30 years ago when it started behaving differently.

"There was a slow drift northward but it then started to move faster. It is now moving northward, away from Canada to Siberia, at a rate some four times faster than it used to," said Dr Newitt.

Soon, he added, expeditions to the magnetic pole would become more difficult as it moved out of range of the Twin Otter aircraft.

Pole reversal

The reason for the wandering of the magnetic pole is twofold. One cause if from beneath our feet, the other from above our heads.

Short-term jitter is caused by the influence of the solar wind on the Earth's magnetic field high in the atmosphere. But the steady drift reflects what is going on in the Earth's core. But something else is happening to the Earth's magnetic field: it is getting weaker.

David Kerridge, of the British Geological Survey, told BBC News Online: "There is strong evidence that the field is decreasing by about 5% per century."

Some researchers suggest that it could be the start of a geomagnetic reversal, when the strength of the Earth's magnetic field decreases and then returns a few thousand years later with the north and south magnetic poles reversed.

Looking back in the geological record it is clear that on average such events occur about every 250,000 years. However, it has been 750,000 years since the last reversal - so we are certainly overdue.

Magnetic measurements made on the surface suggest that a region of the Earth's core under South Africa is of a different polarity to the rest of the magnetic field in the core. It may grow and initiate a flip, or it may die down.

Whatever happens will not happen quickly. It will take thousands of years and there is no evidence that when it has happened in the past it has seriously affected life on Earth.

As for The Core, David Kerridge said it was absolute nonsense; whilst Larry Newitt told BBC News Online that he believed it "is composed of a few scientifically plausible ideas mixed with a large dosage of sheer nonsense. It should be fun."
So then in a few thousand years, people will walk with their hands and wear hats on their feet, and toilets will flush the other way around? :tardbang:
Which means the earth would have to stop and start spinning the in the opposite direction. Seems far fetched but it's interesting to think about. The repercussions of this would be catastrophic on a global scale.
Cool. I just hope I'm around to see it when the get here, cause I want to see the look on their faces when they see how badly we've fucked everything up.
I bet the aliens will see their doom coming from miles (light years?) away, become so scared 3 of their eyes fall out, and turn their asteroids around and head back home. :lol2:
HeXp£Øi± said:
Which means the earth would have to stop and start spinning the in the opposite direction. Seems far fetched but it's interesting to think about. The repercussions of this would be catastrophic on a global scale.


No, the earth does not stop spinning when the magnetic field reverses.

The magnetic filed has reversed several times in the past. It aligns iron crystals in basalts and similar in the direction of the magnetic poles. Essentially if you have a 3d compass the direction in north america would be pointing probably 45 degrees towards the core of the earth from the horizontal position in the direction of north canada.

Read up on paleomagentism to know what I am talking about.
Thanks ol man. I haven't read up much on this but they make it sound as if the poles would do a complete reversal but i guess this is not the case.
ol' man said:
No, the earth does not stop spinning when the magnetic field reverses.

The magnetic filed has reversed several times in the past.

Yep - quite normal. Get back to work, people.
Magnetic measurements made on the surface suggest that a region of the Earth's core under South Africa is of a different polarity to the rest of the magnetic field in the core. It may grow and initiate a flip, or it may die down.
so this is all vortex's fault :D