is the whole forum turning gay?



what's with these takin' a shit and takin' a piss threads? what's next? posting directions on how to masturbate?

i'm beginning to wonder if i shoulda came back
So, if a gay guy sleeps with a girl he is now straight right?

Life isn't as clear cut as that. Sleeping with a guy doesn't make you gay anymore than a gay guy sleeping with a girl makes him straight. It might be experimenting? Who knows. It all comes down to what you prefer I think. At least thats how I define it, and I don't usually go with labels, nor do I really care what a person's preference is. It have no real business with that and its not like he or she is a totally different person because he prefers something else compared to me. :shrug:
Bubba said:
what's with these takin' a shit and takin' a piss threads? what's next? posting directions on how to masturbate?

i'm beginning to wonder if i shoulda came back

I have to agree with Bubba. :( I thought it was just a slow Saturday night and too much alcohol, but the forum has continued with this pubescent trash humor and its getting kinda strange....not sure "gay" is the right word, but I'm gonna wait till it subsides ...or at least moves itself to the Kiddie Corner, where it belongs.