Is there a doctor in the house?


Staff member
A muscle in my left arm has been hurting all day, but it just now got extremely worse, and now it's hurting so much I can't even lift my arm without screaming out in agony.

It's the muscle between my elbow and shoulder, on the front side of my arm, and I haven't done any lifting work on it at all in the past few days that would cause it to hurt like that...

I don't think it's pulled, because it's a different kind of pain than when I strain a muscle too hard. But it's a constant and very sharp pain. Any ideas?

It could be one of several things, fury, badly pulled muscle, pulled tendon, pinched nerve, ouch to all of them :(

Put cold on it (ice in a towel or something) 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. May reduce some swelling. Do you know when you hurt it? How, I mean?
I have absolutely no idea how I could have hurt it. The most strenuous exercise it's been getting for the past week is trying to put a wiper blade on a truck, and even then, I mostly used my right arm.

I suppose I could be wanking too hard. :confuse3:

dating Rosy's friend now? :laugh:

You might have just slept on it funny. Try the cold, and Advil which is good for pain like that, and if not gone (or at least going away) in a couple of days you ought to go in probably.

I'm not a doctor but I'm a mom :)
I can't distinguish it... It feels like all over...

Well now that I think about it, it's more of a pain on the inside of it and more of a burning on the outside
Sounds like your bicep...

Is there any, um... trying to think of the right word, stiffness to it?

In other words, does it hurt to stretch your arm out completely straight, or does it feel somehow tight, as in you can stretch it out straight but you have to do it slowly and give it time to relax?

If so, it's just a strained or overworked muscle, nothing to worry about, will be fine in a couple of days.

If it doesn't have those symptoms, then it sounds like either a muscle bruise or a tendon problem. The burning makes me think tendon. Tendons usually burn, muscles hurt, at least from my experience.
Originally posted by fury

It's the muscle between my elbow and shoulder, on the front side of my arm

That would be your bicep. ;)

Maybe it hurts because you sit at the keyboard too long working, and it gets stiff and stuff... :confuse3: :D
go outside fury, it exists, honestly! :D

try bengay or icy hot etc.. on the sore places, helps alot when i got sore muscles.
I think you should get away from the keyboard for a day or so to see if it helps.
Tendonitis, carpal tunnel flareup in the elbow, slept on the arm wrong and starved the muscle, it can be any number of things.
Back when I still had some feeling left in it, it hurt no matter where I had it stretched to. Bending it into a sharp turn or making it flat out straight, it was still throbbing with pain. Now I can't feel it all that well. I didn't sleep on it, so I don't know why that's happening. But I've had trouble from my tendons in the past, and they never got this bad, or continued beyond a day or so. Usually when I get pain this bad, it's because I've majorly torn my muscle, but then it only hurts in the spot where it's torn, not all over.
Loss of feeling could be a pinched nerve. It could go away on it's own, you may want to look into anti-inflammatories. Did you try Advil? That is a good non-prescription one, if it doesn't work, go in and get some one to look at it.
We don't have any Advil... are there any other medicines that might work or should I hound dad to go pick me up some?
Fury, do you have any tingling or numbness in your hand, fingers? Do me a favor and check your pulses:

In your wrist, turn it over so you're looking at the underside and your pulse is at the base of the thumb, just under your wrist joint. Use your index/middle finger to take the pulse, not your thumb (your thumb has a pulse in it too).

In your upper arm, the inside that's facing the side of your body, just underneath where your bicep muscle is right in the middle. (you may have to push your bicep up a little to find it.)

When you find them, compare them to your other arm-are they as strong or weaker? Putting both your hands flat on the table, are they both the same color?
There's no tingling or numbness in my hand or fingers, only in my arm. The pulses are about the same as my other arm, but there's a slight yellowish color to my left hand
This morning when I was writing the code for the <a href="news.php">main page</a>, my arm was almost constantly exposed to cold air coming from my air conditioner, and that made it feel better. Was that just because the cold was making my arm numb, or was it really helping it to feel better?
Yellowish to both hands or just one?

I had something like that happen to me with the muscles in my shoulder/neck. I woke up and I couldn't move. I was brought to tears by the pain and it took me literally 30 minutes to move out of bed and get to the phone to call Rusty. (we didn't live together at the time)

It was the most intense pain I had ever felt. Of course I didn't go to the doctor and I just kept massaging it and then Rusty would massage it for a while. By the end of the day it was just a dull soreness that lingered for a few more days. I never found out what it was and it never happened again.

Do you have a doctor? Perhaps you can call him and speak to him on the phone instead of going in, see if he's concerned. It's not like they can take an x-ray but if it's progressingly getting worse, it's probably a good idea.
If cold makes it feel better, you probably have some swelling going on. Can you grab a plastic bag with ice and a towel (don't put the bag directly on your skin) and use it like leslie said? 20 min on, 20 off? You aren't supposed to continue that for more than 24 hours from the injury. After a day, you switch to heat 20 min on, 20 off.