Is there a doctor in the house?

Just my left hand is yellowish.

I tried ice in a towel and it didn't help. Maybe it needs to be direct cold?
I don't want her to worry about me. She was just in the hospital last night for having trouble breathing, I would only make it worse.
:( ok. I'd say though as soon as you think she's up to it show her. She'll probably get mad that you didn't show her sooner though, knowing moms. :)

Go out and buy some Advil then, and try moving it as little as possible for the day, stop wrenching it around trying to see where it hurts, if there is inflammation, you'll only make it worse, especially in a pinched nerve around your shoulder and neck. I've got one in my neck and back atm myself :retard: . Keep it dead still for today and tonight, see how it feels tomorrow.

How's your mom now?

edit: forgot it's not : googlie : here[/siz]
Yellow skin can be caused by a build up of bile salts in your blood. I dunno why it would only be in your arm though. :shrug: If it isn't getting any better, then go see a doctor.
doctors are the devil!

seriously, if it hurts constantly, then it's not a sore or strained muscle. Could be any other of a number of things, but since only a doctor can really tell you, and some of them require treatment, you should probably see the doc. ;)