Is this justice?

The trouble with executing child abusers and rapists is that it leaves little reason for the attackers to leave the kids alive. If they are already facing a death penalty they might as well off the witness and stand a better chance of escaping prosecution.
Even in some of the most heinous abuse cases, many think the damage done to a child’s psyche knowing he or she could be responsible for sentencing a relative to death is worse than letting their attackers live.

Bullshit. The kid is responsible for nothing. Uncle Hal can't keep his pecker in his britches? That ain't the kid's fault. They did nothing wrong.

OK, don't want to kill 'em? Castrate 'em. Cut the fucker off. No anesthesia either. Feed it back to 'em after it's off too. Sell tickets, put it on pay-per-view, beam it into every prison cell in America, let Geraldo do a live play-by-play, whatever. Female offender? Chemical injections to completely nullify the sex drive. Or rubber cement the thing shut. Either way.
Bullshit. The kid is responsible for nothing. Uncle Hal can't keep his pecker in his britches? That ain't the kid's fault. They did nothing wrong.

OK, don't want to kill 'em? Castrate 'em. Cut the fucker off. No anesthesia either. Feed it back to 'em after it's off too. Sell tickets, put it on pay-per-view, beam it into every prison cell in America, let Geraldo do a live play-by-play, whatever. Female offender? Chemical injections to completely nullify the sex drive. Or rubber cement the thing shut. Either way.

Leave him/her full of piss, or catheterize him/her?
yes, but........
As with all death penalty cases....IMO
If the evidence IS really beyond any shadow of a doubt. (confessions and hard evidence)

That's the tough part about this kind of crime,....
I know scorned women that would/could fabricate the crime, coach the kid(s)...

But like I said, if there's No doubt.....I'd see it as an option.

The old chain gangs need to be brought back more, like that sheriff in Texas does.