Is this murder?

Every once in awhile i think it's a good idea to rethink our views on things nomatter how certain we feel in our understanding. Because...what if we were actually wrong?
I didn't think i'd receive to much textual response to this thread. No matter what your beliefs pictures of those little arms legs and heads have to affect you unless you've already completely closed your mind to these thoughts.
44,000,000 since roe vs wade 30 years ago today.
Yeah...kind of hard to converse about it. Especially if you were the desenting voice. Emotions would run too high ....
No doubt. As they always do when discussing matters of life and death. But we'd never learn or change if we only listened to those we agreed with.
I think the Nazi thing is fairly inflammatory and doesn't really kick off a reasonable discussion. It also really doesn't have much to do with whether it's right or wrong.
I personally believe that there are times when abortion can be the better of two evils. But that is at best. Its never something one should take frivilously...
Well granted it is another subject, however if you read a little of the history of Margaret Sanger and planned parenthood you'll find that it has a great deal to do with abortion in America today.
However your point is taken. Those facts need not be brought into a philosophical discussion of abortion.
I would prefer to surrender the unviable fetus when it endangers the mother. Most other instances would involve personal decisions, which I don't jduge people for but am glad I never had to make one...
Personally i don't even consider that situation a part of the debate. The primary concern of 99% of Americans is abortion under circumstances when the mother is healthy and completely capable of having a child.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Squig, can you give me an example of when abortion would be "the better of two evils"?

When the life of the mother is seriously threatened as it was in my case. I had to choose between living and caring for my disabled 2 year old or the very real probability that I and the baby would not survive. Not a day goes by that I don't remember my other child and still grieve for her. Seeing this sort of inflammatory material causes me great pain.

That's one of the contributing factors to my depression, also why I have no other children and why I can't discuss the rights or wrongs of abortion in any great detail because it's just too emotional a subject.
Squiggy said:
:crying3: So sorry Aunty...

It was an even harder decision to make because I was Pro Life and I wanted my baby. I guess at the moment I'm just very much more conscious of death and loss than usual, it tends to bring these sorts of experiences back quite forcefully.
Thats totally understandable, Aunty...I stepped out of charactor by responding to this thread. I don't like discussing subjects, via this format, that can be so devastating emotionally. Without the ability to offer immediate comfort or consolation, I fear what pain it can cause. I, myself, did not view the links because I know its going to be a 'shock factor' thing and I really don't need to be shocked into deciding a position on this...Again, my apologies, Aunty. *hugs Aunty*
im actully pro choice so i dont see it as murder. and i never saw any kind of correlation between Planned Parenthood and Nazism.

:hug: auntie im sorry you had to do that. i cant imagine the pain you must be in right now. i hope your allright you are a strong woman so thats always good. never lose that.
I'm pro death, in fact, I'm thinking seriously about going to my senator to see about post natal abortions. Only up to the age of 16 or so.