Is this the end?

Stop Laughing

New Member
I'm pretty sure one of my laptops' hard drives totally died a couple of nights ago. All of a sudden it started making a strange, loud clicking type sound and I could feel it when it made that sound. It also hasn't been able to be read since. Am I right in assuming it's dead and giviing it a proper burial in the trash can? If I can somehow just access it even once before trashing, there's only one file on there I need (this year's league stats) because if I don't get it I'll have to reconstruct it and that'll take at least a few hours. I have tried booting from floppy, but when the HD is connected, it just ends up reading it constantly and doesn't get anywhere. I can't boot with it disconnected because then even if I plug it in it won't recognize it. Of course a straight boot from it has failed miserably. I'm not so sure I can hook up this HD in another computer because it has no power connection (it got its power from the regular gray cable hookup as that's the only connection it had at all) and no slave/master jumpers. Anyone know of these and/or have any ideas?
I had a regular (3.5") hard drive die that way once. Your drive is toast. The heads have crashed into the platters and are doing so continuously. Powering the drive is only making the problem worse.

I looked into data recovery services and if you equate your time into monetary terms, it's a lot cheaper to reconstruct the data than it is to send it to a data recovery place... or at least it was in July 1999.
Making a noise like the turn signal on a '69 Ford? Yep, it's a goner. You might try removing it and hooking it up as a slave to a working master to get the data, but I wouldn't lay odds on it working.
Inkara1 said:
Mine was more of a "TOK fweeezzzzz TOK fweeezzzzz TOK fweeezzzzz" kind of noise.
My disks seems to prefer the "SCHTONK!" mode of death. Scared the shit out of me more than once.
IBM harddisks tend to make a huge static-kinda sound before the decide to end their miserable lives.

*kkkcccchhhhh* *kkkcchhhh* *kkcccchhh*
Actually that noise isn't the head crashing into the platter. It's the head going back to track 0, sector, 0, and the mechanism (can't remember what's it's called) that controls the heads is hitting a piece of metal that stops it. It's going home because it can't find what it's looking for.

It be dead.
I now am glad it's toast, 'cause I lost it. :eek: I did reconstruct what was needed yesterday, thankfully I got the bowling alley to print up all the data I needed. Anyways, anyone want a laptop battery or power cord? :D