I hope so.
Advertising directed at children. Pop TV shows that have removed famiily & made it clear sex is without consequences....wtf ever, it's tiresome & destroying the fabric of what made us great. STD's anyone? They're free for the taking.
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Try this on, Mr. and Mrs. America: These girls say they don't know what they are and don't need to know. Adolescence and young adulthood is a time for exploration, they say, and they should feel free to love a same-sex partner without assuming that is how they'll spend the rest of their lives.
Even gay rights veterans such as David Shapiro struggle to explain such equivocation.
Advertising directed at children. Pop TV shows that have removed famiily & made it clear sex is without consequences....wtf ever, it's tiresome & destroying the fabric of what made us great. STD's anyone? They're free for the taking.
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