Is this what you were after?


molṑn labé
Staff member
I hope so.

Try this on, Mr. and Mrs. America: These girls say they don't know what they are and don't need to know. Adolescence and young adulthood is a time for exploration, they say, and they should feel free to love a same-sex partner without assuming that is how they'll spend the rest of their lives.

Even gay rights veterans such as David Shapiro struggle to explain such equivocation.

Advertising directed at children. Pop TV shows that have removed famiily & made it clear sex is without ever, it's tiresome & destroying the fabric of what made us great. STD's anyone? They're free for the taking.

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As he thought about it, he concluded that "kids today know the difference between behavior and orientation. They say, 'I may be behaving in this certain way, but I'll make up my own mind about who I am in my own time.'
What we're after? I'm at a loss...if what you mean is "What are socially aware democratics after?", a matter of speak, yes...we're after people being what they are and not being attacked for their decisions.

Equality for all under the law.

If you're blaming TV and movies for sexual promiscuity or sexual exploration, then get in line buddy... there are plenty of people waiting to blame TV and movies for everything from violence, rape levels, mass-murders, smoking, drug use, and pretty much any and every 'evil' out there.
I don't have kids, so perhaps my views aren't quite in line with some of you that have kids. And perhaps my opinions will change once wee ones are in my future.

But I don't blame the television and movies as much as I blame parents.

Dont' parents talk to their children anymore? Can't we turn off the televisions and Mtv and have family-night or game night? Can't we educate our children on proper morals at home so that when children see promiscuity and questionable acts on television (or in real life), they will know what is right and wrong in their mind.

Parents aren't talking to their children enough about sexual orientation. Again, I don't have children and perhaps my reasoning is biased. Perhaps parents are afraid of talking about sexual orientation for fear they will find out their child is gay? :shrug: I don't know. But it definately needs to be mentioned at home. Children are seeing promiscuity everywhere - not only on the tube, but in real life. They think it's "cool" to be "bi", not knowing what it really means. I think anymore it's a fad. A dangerous one, but still a fad.
Parents - now THERE is a better target!!

Why isn't anyone interviewing the parents of these girls?

So...Mr and Mrs're daughter is trying out bisexuality and promiscuity...may we ask her a few questions?

(We're not sure where she is)

You're not sure?

(Not really...we don't keep track of her) when might she be home?

(Umh...I dunno, she's with her's been a few days)

I see.
But I don't blame the television and movies as much as I blame parents.
The unfortunate difference between parents and gamete donors.

"You mean I have to actually talk to the little buggers?!?!?!?!?!?"

Indeed, no matter what a child sees on television, if a parent is there to explain it and talk about it then it will be a lot easier for the child to realize that what they saw on TV is either not real at all, or at the minimum, not the norm of society. Rather, little Suzy grows up with a TV in her room, with full cable, including Cinemaxxx, ShowTittiesTime, as well as a few others and we allow her to decide what the norm is. Well, if you judge by MTV, the thong is the norm, and kissing girls is cool. (Not that it isn't, mind you).
Two words...

Shock Value. These kids are starved for attention...whether from the parents, their classmates, or society in general. As a parent, I can say this...Instead of working late (voluntarily), spend time talkling with your children. Instead of buying them a PS2/Nintendo/X-Box, spend time on them. Take them the movies...give them quality time. They'll appreciate it in the long run, and scenes like those in the main story will be relegated to the 'Wierd News' section. ;)
parents need to spend time with their kids. i think we all agree on that subject. I agree to an extent with Gato that some is shock value but not always. sometimes its as you said the attention that they are not getting and such. other times its a release.