Is this you?

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
:rofl2: :rofl3:


dilbert2665040021125.gif, 14.77kb

sennheiser 210's, easily the best headphones i've ever owned. and while not designed for walkman use they've borne up pretty good in the last year :D


sennys.jpg, 55.81kb

I think I COULD probably wear them in work but it'd look bad... Might try it tomorrow just to see what happens! :headbang:
greenfreak said:
I wish I could wear headphones. Or at least earplugs to drown out all my coworkers. :D

I wear headphones ... I need them to drown out the irritating laugh of a coworker behind me *shudder*
freako104 said:
no but i love dilbert! that one was great! thanks for sharing it auntie em!

Oh sad, sad person that I am , I get it delivered by email every day. :D

And continuing the theme - today's episode:


dilbert2033252021126.gif, 16.21kb

I just got in having bought a new personal casette player so I can listen to my spanish conversation tapes in peace. :D