Islam, a defective civilization?



These are the facts that confront us about the Muslim world:

1. Politics: Few Muslim nations are real democracies; in the Arab heartland, the count is zero. An exceptionally high proportion of the Muslim nations, the highest proportion of any major bloc of countries, are politically pathological, having failed to achieve internal stability that rests on anything other than brute force. They are also prone to external aggression, directly or by proxy, much of it serving no discernable national interest.

2. Economics: The Muslim world is impoverished and backward economically if one ignores oil, a windfall that it did not itself create. Worse still, even the oil states can’t produce their own oil but rely on foreign expertise and labor.

3. Society: Most Muslim societies are backward in terms of basic social indicators like levels of education and the status of women. Civil society is stunted. Corruption is rife. Alienation is widespread.

4. Culture: The culture of the Muslim world is not admired by outsiders, either in its high or popular versions. Foreign students do not flock to its universities. Its ideals do not resonate for others. No-one dreams of being like them.

At some point, the observer is entitled to wonder if Islam is behind the problems of Islamic countries. As shown by the enormous amount of conflict Muslims have with Hindu India and with black Africans in the Sudan and elsewhere, it is not just the West they can’t get along with.

Interesting reading.
LastLegionary said:
At some point, the observer is entitled to wonder if Islam is behind the problems of Islamic countries.

That pretty much sums it up, but I should point out that it's not particular to the form of their religion; it's a feature of religion itself. The West only escapes the same fate by compartmentalizing Chritianity and subjugating it to a more secular viewpoint. This secular viewpoint arose during the Renaissance with the re-discovery of Aristotle and reached fruition during the Age of Reason when the US, the world's first modern Republic, was born. It has been suffering a slow decay ever since Kant first began the work of its destruction. In another hundred or two hundred years we may very well be just as backwards as our friends in the Islamic world. Whether it will be Christianity or some other anti-reason philosophy that will accomplish our destruction remains to be seen...
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws...blablabla....blablabla... just racism and hatred in this website. That's all I found.

Hey let me remember you one thing :
When you see that all the colonial wars were guided by occidental movements which lead the Europeans (the Americans also with the Indians) to kill and sell people as we sell goods, you understand why now most of the mass destruction weapons has been built, sold and used by them. Tell me the name of one Arab Industry of weapons??? Do arabs have industries of weapons? America, one of the countries which claims its belonging to GOSPEL began war with Russians, then with Asians (Korea and Vietnam) then, they moved to the south of America (Panama and other countries in which still they are). They were at the origin of the biggest killing of humans using the first atomic bomb over HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI. Honestly, who used the mass destruction weapons tested on babies in Iraq and Afghanistan? Who put the most shamming blackmail (blockade) “PETROL against FOOD” approved by all the occidental nations forcing people and especially babies to starve and die with no cure??? Is that the fact of Arabs or Muslims??? You always want to show yourselves as the most correct and perfect people as your Master Hitler did in 1939/1945 leading the world to a massive slaughter which served no cause except that of hatred and segregation....No smiley, it would be ridiculous as this website is !!!
With an empty profile, and emails disabled.

do yourself a favour and take a flying fuck, sunshine.
With a poor knowledge of history, too. For one thing, the US did NOT start the Vietnam conflict. Credit that one to the French.
I thought it was Red Herring

maybe not a (north) american... "occidental movements" is pretty obscure. sounds like the guy was reading edward said, but then, by his rant, i don't think he's smart enough to understand said... just picked up a clever term or two.

but we should get that ardsgaine person back. s/he's pretty smart.
And the second atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima..........the third on Nagasaki.
And the US hasn't been in Panama since 31 DEC 1999. The only Latin country the US has a large presence in is Cuba...and that's just at Guantanamo Bay...