
They just overdid the World Poker Tour. I remember 5 games on cable at the same time during last summer. An overplayed genre always burns out fast.
trust what? i don't quite understand my choices. what does supporting vigorously pursuing those little fuck-cakes
in al quada et al - while not being a dunderhead racist - qualify as?

Qualify as? Plain silly Son, silly plain and simple.
99.9999999995% of Muslims are not terrorists, yet people insist of treating all muslims as if they're terrorists and Islam as if it's a religion that espouses terrorism. That's the issue.

Exchange the word Muslim for Southerner and the word terrorist for backward-assed racist hick and you make an argument I've seen somewhere before. If I'm expected to bear my cross, laugh it off, and endure it in silence as everyone seems to indicate, they can too.
Daumn hick rednecks!

Wait them weren't rednecks that flew into the towers
were they? Um No but a goodly portion of our boys over in the middle east killin' the baddies ARE proud to call themselves Rednecks.
I still remember looking at the Democratic Underground site once and they were slamming southerners for showing support for New York after 9/11 because the places have nothing in common, the southerners have such disdain for the northerners, etc. I guess they've never heard of people setting aside their differences in a time of crisis.
Old wounds heal slowly. Plus as I have said ad nauseum, the areas were settled by immigrants who hated one another to start with. The cultures have evolved along those lines. Any wonder things are as they always have been?

I didn't mean to hijack this thread. Please, back to Achnad...
All moosies will be considered terrorists after
their jihadists detonate a nooclear device
inna major US city.
but of course in yer werld they all ready are

try this one on for size

I predict the demorats will git the casa Blanca in 08

01/20/09 to be exact

they'll do like they always do act like cowards send clear
messages of surrender to the Jihad johnnies

and when we get hit enact that dictatorial directive your
side has their panties inna bunch about lately
oh what a wonderful day it will be, you'll all be lined up and shot!
I predict the convicts will declare the muskrat the national shrub of minneapolis.

They will then put saddles on them and ride them through gelatin obstacle courses in the Salt Lake flats.

The muskrats will eventually become miffed due the lime flavoring and eat you!
