Israel admits phosphorus bombing

Based on? No, in reply to.

Anything goes? Ever hear the phrase "war is hell"? The GC was brought into being to "civilize war. IMHO, war should never be civil. Makes it too easy to execute.

I rebutted that this wasn't a war? Where? Which even?

For 40 years, the US and USSR stood head to head against each other, with one clear understanding : if either side started a war .... both lost ... in unimaginable horror. And for 40 years they waged surrogate war: korea, 'nam, etc. but no direct offensives against each other. That's the benefit of total warfare. Noone wants it.

If you want a response about the use of WP in combat, here it is: Make warfare so horriffic that the other side is totally demoralised and gives up. The US used that in their "Shock and Awe" tactics. From an untouchable position, wipe out an entire armoured division. Not even enough time for them to radio in what's happening. Just wiped them off the face of the planet. How many Iraqi soldiers lives were saved by that? Before that was available, WP was used. Mustard gas was used. Hell, ever see what a cannon loaded with chains is capable of doing to a platoon of men?

If the Isralies can horrify their enemy enough that they don't start the fight to begin with ... I'm all for it. Because, unless you've forgotten, the Isralies still have much worse kept in reserve.
Because Winky isn't here to do it...

If the Isralies can horrify their enemy enough that they don't start the fight to begin with ... I'm all for it. Because, unless you've forgotten, the Isralies still have much worse kept in reserve.

So if the other side horrifies Israel enough that they don't start the fight to begin with that'd be good too right?
It would be ... but it won't. Unfortunately ... neither the Israelies, nor the palestinians ... look upon total destruction as a deterrent.