Israel Palestine war expands


molṑn labé
Staff member
JERUSALEM — Israeli warplanes attacked an Islamic Jihad (search) training base deep in Syria in retaliation for a homicide bombing at a Haifa restaurant that killed 19 people, the army said Sunday. Israeli media said it was the first Israeli attack on Syrian soil in more than two decades.

Well what did you expect? The precedent was set. Anyone now is entitled to attack whomever is considered 'hostile' by his own standards...
AlladinSane said:
Well what did you expect? The precedent was set. Anyone now is entitled to attack whomever is considered 'hostile' by his own standards...

Another stab at Bush? C'mon, this behaviour is as old as war.
Gonz said:
Another stab at Bush? C'mon, this behaviour is as old as war.

It's not a's a nod at the man who made this action acceptable to a lot of people.
Gonz said:
Another stab at Bush? C'mon, this behaviour is as old as war.
You can consider a stab at UN if you will. They sat idlely on their seats while Iraq was illegitimately taken. Just like the League of Nations did nothing while Italia massacred Abissynia in the 30's under the same excuse(national secirity). The King appealed to the LON, but as all poor nations he was ignored. If Italians had been stopped, Hitler would never dare to attack Polland. History repeats itself...
Those people have been going at each other since long before history began. They will still be doing it long after history ends. There is no limit to idiocy.
You're saying that the US is now the Germany of 1943? We're hellbent on overtaking & controlling the world?


Are you saying that the UN is as useless & impotent as the LON & should be disbanded?
Gonz said:
You're saying that the US is now the Germany of 1943? We're hellbent on overtaking & controlling the world??

Of course not.......the US already has military bases in 43 countries throughout the world. The country is far more prepared than Germany ever was.
bleach said:
Of course not.......the US already has military bases in 43 countries throughout the world. The country is far more prepared than Germany ever was.
There is a certain truth to that that just chilled me to the bone...
bleach said:
Of course not.......the US already has military bases in 43 countries throughout the world. The country is far more prepared than Germany ever was.

Who asked them/us to be there? We didn't invade & permanently set up shop
Errrmmm...except for Iraq, anyway.....

Gonz, PLEASE just open your eyes a crack when you look at the situation. I for one am not afraid to throw the comparison on the table and recognize that we are becoming that which you so vehemently challenge us to say. The 21st century version of Nazi Germany. No, we're not Nazis. But by action and word we are marching in a much too similar fashion.
Squiggy said:
Errrmmm...except for Iraq, anyway.....

Ugh, we're still at war with long term committment has been asked nor granted.

re: the germany reference...that is bullshit & you know it. we're not goosestepping down ali abu ave in downtown Baghdad.
Just because we aren't 'goosestepping' doesn't mean we aren't marching. And who among us isn't passively waiting to see which nation is to fall next? We all expect more to come. We just hope he'll invent more realistic bull to use as an excuse.